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Anupa Khati from India shares her testimony. She tells how her mother went completely insane while dealing with her kin's demonic heritage in Hinduism and Spiritism. After going to church, her mother was completely released into a new life.

Greman Ujang from Borneo, East Malaysian state Sarawak, is from the Iban-tribe, one of the First Nations AsiaLink has worked with & partners in Scandinavia for decades now. AsiaLink TV & Erik Jensen has made an interview earlier that has been published online now, where he tells about his area, such as the Longhouse tradition and the importance of community especially for Malaysians:

(Interview with Brother Ren, the interpreter for Brother Yun in Norwegian & Finnish-Swedish about his family's first 10 years in Taiwan and 30+ year ministry in China, etc.)

I dette intervjuet får man et helt spesielt innblikk i det vitnesbyrdet finske broder Ren har og de mange opplevelser han har hatt både i Taiwan, i Kina og i hele Asia i mange tiår nå.

AsiaLink Norge (Norway):
Paul Ai tells (in English) more about his ministry, traveling to over 70? countries and preaching the Good News to many tens of thousands of people, and more about his long experience with the supernatural spiritual world. Many in Asia are troubled and bothered by the devil, evil spirits and know this reality very well and that is why he also tells about God the Creator and that The Holy Spirit is above all the spirits. He also tells about the spiritual senses, about Yoga and Jin? for women and for men in India and China and that The Holy Spirit is above all of this, and about a brighter future.


Whatever You Did for One of The Least (...) You Did For Me | North Korea 30 Day Prayer Guide |Day 19

Asia Link interview in English:

Paul Ai from Vietnam studied and lived buddhism for nine years, but the more he studied about Buddha's life, he found it was no hope to find there. He became a reknowned witch doctor for his area. But one day Yonggi Cho came to his village and shared the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Then he found more than his match, he met his savior.

He prayed to 1000, then 2000 then 3366 "gods" and they all did not show up when the missionaries of Jesus Christ came with the power of The Holy Spirit, God the Creator.

He says the devil and demons are real, 3366 adds up to 666, a number associated with the devil, and he's got more tattoos than the gangsters to show for. Gangsters were amazed that their bosses and also the communists and 10 000 people had become diciples, following Jesus. Suddenly they had all the time in the world to listen to his many stories!

AsiaLink Norge (Norway):

Interview in Chinese and Scandinavian

(Asia Link's Norwegian Erik Jensen interviewing,
Finnish-Swedish Brother Ren interpreting)

"AsiaLink TV - Intervju med "den himmelske mann"

Broder Yun, bedre kjent som "den himmelske mann" deler vitnesbyrd fra den gangen han ble fengslet i Myanmar. Dette vil du ikke gå glipp av!"

Messiah's Wisdom & Authority. Ancient Miracles and miracles of our day. - Dr. Erez Soref

This starts to become a Confession of Someone Who Never Told You - To Someone That Was Going To Become an Environmental Economist at one crucial point in one's life...! (Me!)

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD

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