So sorry about your great loss! God be with you, Daniel, and comfort you as only he can.
He wept for his dear friend Lazarus. He feels what you are feeling, and prays for you.

Yes, I seek joy in Yeshua alone. As a heaven-born child of His, I am an ET. No wonder I never can find a square hole for my square peg in a world of round holes and round pegs walking around. Round pegs find me not round enough to identify with, so I get no following. Suits me! They need to find and follow Yeshua, who doesnt fit any hole, round, square, or octogon, or any other configuration, for the GOD-Shaped hole in us can only take God and nothing else we can try to force-fit.

Certainly, but smell a rose today if you can find a fragrant one.
The old-fashioned kinds had great perfume. The hybrids look great but smell as exciting as paper. That is what happens to most everything today people accept as normal, but B.B. King had it right, the thrill is gone.
I call out Ichabod, the glory of Israel has departed, but if you had never witnessed it, you would not lament its passing away and absence.
Cheers, Eben

Sorry for the sledgehammer, I am new to social media! I will not be so harsh as I proceed more circumspectly in the future, I hope. Eben

Hold that thought, "I am dumber".
Burning question on my heart: is Haber the brother to Ding in the Dash family?

I take this as you can adjust to what is bad now, and when it is worse, so to speak, you will adjust to that too. Sad! That is the syndrome of the prewar German Jews that ultimately stuffed them into crematoria. Best reject that kind of fake and fatal optimism now before you end up another liquidated Pollyana. This is the same syndrome in black communities, I suspect, as a black Christian friend said to me regarding the chaos in Seattle, "It could be worse."

How truely the wise man spake.
Yet God commanded memorials for the sake of informing the young of God's miracles, lest time and man's neglect expunge every trace and
A brave new world Huxley warned us about, emerges and
Slouches back to Jerusalem.

That is a ln atrocious crime against humanity and the Chinese people and their history and culture that the present Communist regime perpetrated in destroying those Swedish missionary graves. Have you or anyone else in Sweden alerted or challenged your government about it? It ought to be brought as a case to the International Court in the Hague.

Cancel culture at work? Operates in militant Islam too as well as in radical liberalism here in America and on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
How openly and brazenly they do such things despite all the "caring" and "tolerant" humanitarian drivel spewing out of the Left! I am growing so tired of viewing the evil but must not hide or pretend it is not happening and not my responsibility to speak out against. Eben

They look better now for some reason. "Handsome is as handsome does"? I guess I didn't do too well in life, due to poor looks maybe? Too late now for a facelift anyway. Besides, my Tom Cruise makeover would be covered up with a mask. Can't win! But the Lamb wins! That is my great consolation? Cheers, Eben

I see one boy was not a nitwit and was not wearing a mask. Good for him! But he was perhaps not deserving of a Norskie's grim approval, as he was putting his gloved hand up to cover his Coronavirus spewing countenance. He should be drummed out of the cadet school for his egregious 😟 lapse in pc ettiquette! His buttons pulled off! His shoe laces tied together, tomato juice poured down his neck, and whatever else they do to the miscreant in a cadet's court martial!

I trust you know what you're doing, dear sir! I would not be happy to find out that my kidney transplant was involuntarily donated by you.
Your blithe insouciance quite leaves me breathless. No, by no means, I will never accept a lung transplant eirher unless its origin is other than you, sir! Nothing personal, I just have a problem with China's current medical procedures.
But I do want your book!

Eben boosted

Sometimes I’m hesitant to share our little guy on social media. But it’s messages like this that warms my heart knowing Samuel spreads joy to so many.

When Belial (aka Facebook Zuckerberg) does the right, moral thing with his ban on Holocaust deniers, I confess I have to stand alongside Thomas Didymus and insist on evidence that his stand and policy are sincere and not motivated by radical politics, greed, and his unwashed tee shirts.

"Beware the Greeks when they come bearing gifts"--old Viking saying of my ancestors

Beware of the crocodile when he sheds tears. In its gut is a deer that is still kicking, hence the tears.

@sinbach Curious how you can announce your China excursion and not expect a welcoming committee equipped with anti-missionary aerosol spray?

Eben boosted

My grandmother, Rachel, tested positive for Covid-19 today. At 92, I hope she can make a quick recovery. She has been such a good and positive influence in many lives, especially mine. Please pray for a good outcome.


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