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Bill B boosted

for the very first time in 2020, my family is all in one country. Next week we will all be in the same city!

@StevenBerry ya know I used to attend a church that started to believe that Christmas had pagan roots and we should not have any of it in the building. It became another “rule” another thing on the list of “solid Christians don’t do this ....
I just could not understand it. I then became convinced that we should be maximizing the holiday. Here is our culture that will play songs, acknowledge Jesus as part of a societal event and I as a Christian am going to refuse? I just could not. So I max it

@sinbach ha ha - yea I was surprised when I did the poll to see that as well, probably someone who wanted to see what you would say Eugene!

Bill B boosted

Watch "American marines singing "Days of Elijah" (Lirycs)" on YouTube

Bill B boosted

I did something this week that i NEVER thought I would do in my lifetime....
I spoke at an illegal church gathering in the US.

Bill B boosted

"In the middle of your mess, He is writing your message."

@LisaMarie NO - he is not, it’s necessary protocol. He is being responsible and allowing his staff to make steps necessary in the event he does lose.

@KarlGessler that’s quite an article and rings with a lot of truth. FatherWounds are real, but that Jesus would be experienced as the one who can heal, make new and give hope in a world full of apparent hopelessness.

So how is Jesus meeting you this night? Day? Moment ?

Bill B boosted

@DigitalFingerPrint you mentioned dropping Google. I’ve been working at transitioning away from all of that as well.
Do you use any other Document creating service that is more secure? I’ve used Zoho, but not sure of security

Bill B boosted

Well YouTube is down virtually worldwide, along with other Google services including Gmail, and the Google Wi-Fi servers as well as the Google play store. If you don’t have a back up email account that’s not beholden to one of the tech Giants, I would really encourage you to get one. Proton mail is great

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