Secret Tunnels discovered in Jerusalem under Mount Zion.
Papers filed with Jerusalem court to reveal more.
We ask, dear Father, that Your Spirit make the way before us and help us have the kind of faith and conviction that the early disciples had.
We pledge our hearts, souls, and minds and all our strength to your mission in the world.
We humbly ask Your favor for the message of Jesus to be as unstoppable in our day as it was in the days of the early church.
For Your glory and lives of many souls through faith in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
@His_story Teach me to wait, O LORD...
@His_story I love this!! Recharging body and soul.
And... we've reached our final day!
"Then I heard the voice of the Father. When I was tied up and tortured, His voice gave me strength. When I was hungry and laying on the cold concrete floor, His love brought me warmth. The words of the Father brought me hope."
DAY 29 - Sister Jing
"The government may have killed my father and my grandfather. They may have tortured their families, but they could not kill the vision!"
Communism wins when people don’t resist it. People don’t resist Communism because they fear man more than they fear the Lord. I speak out against Communism because Jesus is Lord, not Caesar. Resistance brings persecution, but I am okay with that. Persecution means I am over the target and in fellowship with Jesus.
“If our goal is reducing persecution, that task is easily achieved...persecution stops immediately where there is no
faith and no witness.” —Nik Ripken. (Missionary and Author Of “The Insanity Of God.”)
The Bible is like a manual. So just like any other manual there is only so much you can learn from simply reading it. You gotta live it out.
#liveitout #speaktruth
The apostles' passionate obedience to the call of God is inspirational.
They knew they were risking their lives when they disobeyed the high priest and his officials by proclaiming Jesus publicly.
They had the "message of life!" How could they not declare it?
Threats didn't stop them. Arrest didn't contain them.
They were propelled by their love for Jesus,
their conviction that he had been raised from the dead,
and the call of their Lord to share his message with their lost friends, neighbors, and even enemies.
Acts 5:17-21
Hebrews 6:10
John 15:5
Retired pastor/teacher to inner city homeless/drug/alcohol addicted.