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Mentoring Vs Training
Project Vs Lifestyle

Sometimes Western patterns make havoc in the Mission fields.
Power points and thematic presentations are powerless compared to powerful impartation of the Holy Spirit.
Multiplication of souls and congregations in houses happens when first generation disciples take ownership.
A new team that received new input last month, started their ministry soon after reaching their hometowns.
(Representative pictures)

I thank Our Heavenly Father for Blessing me with a Brother Like Brother Iain McClain @speakthetruth. He is my Boss/Friend & Brother in Yehoshua HaMishiach. I pray for immense Blessings of the Heavenly Father for Brother Iain & His Entire Family & Belongings.

Please pray for Pakistan, many villages have been destroyed and wiped out from the surface of earth and many people and specially children died due to heavy flood. And it is still a lot of rain.

Shalom Siblings.

You may have heard about the heavy/destructive flooding in Pakistan.

Received these pictures from the Sanghar City of the Sindh Province, Pakistan where two Pastors Niaz Pauloos (Paul) & Eliah Shahbaz (Elijah) are ministering. Please see if anyone feel the burden to help & support these people who are in crucial need. Blessings & Shalom

Unseasonal showers interrupting life. Elderly, farmers, orphans are affected. Please Pray!

(Representative Picture)
A group of women leaders are undergoing a special program enjoying powerful sessions.

We don't know, whether to pray and stop the rains or thank God for the delayed work!!!

Breakthrough in new ventures continuing. Please pray that our soul winning and establishing small groups may succeed as well.

Our families prayed, God answered ! You prayed and Paid and we are glad!
Thank you for the students scholarship. It's a blessing!

Hopeful of bringing out a teenage believer for higher studies to a neighboring country.
We just need 4 more miracles

my BTJ app just now unusable and not available to re-download on iPhone? So only available now through login on web? I just used not too long ago!

2 miracles reported after this post!!! Your prayers are being answered!
Hallelujah !

@sinbach I haven’t had that but I have had it in traffic and have had to ask the Lord for forgiveness for my temper and terrible actions!

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