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It's not often that we get a letter from the church in Afghanistan that we are free to post, but this is a special situation.
The letter in it's entirety will be posted on our website tomorrow:

Timelapse from 9am to 10:30 this morning in #iceland, the fresh flow of lava crossing the Highway to Grindavik.



 Sister Deling, Bro. Yun's wife, has been hospitalized and is need of the healing Presence of our dear Lord.

Deling is in a very weak and serious condition. Local family is with her
Do join us in prayer for the healing Presence of our gracious LORD be released upon her. Pray for Father's kindness, mercy and grace through Holy Spirit cover the extended family. In the Name of Jesus our Healer!!
Copied from the email alert

prayers for my daughter's friend, Blanca. She did something really stupid. Sr. in HS; just turned 18. Replied to a post saying she'd shoot up jordan high. Thought she was being funny. She has been arrested and is in the durham county jail tonight. Arraignment tomorrow. Only child; adopted from Guatemala. Good kid. Just a really stupid joke that wasn't funny. Life altering.

Prepared my first purple sweet potatoes this morning. They were quite delicious and I prefer smaller potatoes with more skin/volume ratio. There was an aftertaste/mouthfeel that I think I prefer to the regular orange ones.

This open fire keeps us warm during the cold nights, cooks our meals and most importantly keeps the wild bears away. Bears are stealing fruits from the nearby farm with cashew nut trees.

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