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An average of 200 Children go missing in India every day

In 2019, about 73,138 children were reportedly missing. This means that an average of 200 children were reported missing each day and 8 each hour. The concerning aspect of this is that 71% of this number are girls. Girls made up 52,049 missing cases in 2019 while boys accounted for 21,074 cases. It has also been reported that 15 transgender children went missing in 2019. Compared to 2018, the total number of cases of missing children increased by almost 9%. The number of missing boys increased by 6.5% while that of missing girls increased by over 10%.

@Lanka4Jesus oh, that is awful! I never knew that. That does create a big problem. I will pray for pure water.

China Eastern Airlines confirms fatalities after Boeing 737 crashes in Guangxi region with 132 on board


😢 Praying for survivors if any and for the families of all those who were on board. Lord, please teach us to number our days and for Your glory! In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN. 🙏 🙏 🙏

I got a prayer request today originally from a Finnish brother (Risto) about the war in Ukraine. The following is my translation (and I've added those in parentheses):

"The Russian troops have started to deport Ukrainians to Russia from the areas they have conquered. This same thing happened also during the Finnish Winter War (against Sovietunion), when the Finnish warprisoners were deported to Siberia (into labour/concentration camps).
Only God can stop this. Let us pray that God will intervene and stop this, and also that only God's will will happen in the Ukranian war and not the will of the rulers of this world."

I found a link about how Ukrainians are being deported to Russia:

China Eastern Airlines confirms fatalities after Boeing 737 crashes in Guangxi region with 132 on board

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