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Thank you so much for opening this and praying for help for the vulnerable this season! Please share with friends and family.

We are so thankful for YOU! Happy Thanksgiving, dearest CMM family!
We at CM Missions want to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Not just my son. Now he's my brother. So proud to present the newest Lt in the US Marine Corps.

See many areas and levels YOU can pray into and bless Abba's global family and bless the Lord this Christmas season. Please share with friends and family and church groups. Acts 20:35 " I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

John 16:33

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

Jorge Parrott Teaching On Deliverance into Glory (Share with Russian Speakers) CMM does regular teaching and prophetic ministry with long-term friends in Kazakhstan and Russian-speaking nations. Subject-Deliverance by glory carriers and authority.

Did Someone Help You Get Started? YOUR Prayers And Generosity Can Make A Lasting Impact Helping Someone Else Get Started Too!
It's time to help end the poverty and entitlement spirit in the lives of our friends in many nations. Our CMM business teams help oversee each step and give practical/Biblical oversight and accountability.CMM has practical, income-producing projects to teach those who really desire to become self-sustaining and feel the rewards coming from responsible work and learning wise stewardship. Examples: Chicken, Goats, Agriculture, Clothes Tailoring, Craft making, Child-Care, Auto and Motorcycle Repair, etc. Gifts are needed (request info on Micro-Loans)

Why Give to the Poor? How to Unlock Blessings! -
Jesus did not come to earth to take your money and give it to those who do not have.“The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the Devil had done.” 1 John 3:8 (NKJV)

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory.

Five Safe Water Wells Needed Urgently in Pakistan Due To Massive Flooding
Diseases are increasing daily in the areas because of contaminated water. Long-term friends and CMM Members (whose names we can not publish due to persecution) request prayers and funds to provide five new wells, costing $1,500.00 each, to save lives and prevent diseases from unsafe water. CMM has successfully provided many wells with these known and trustworthy friends for over ten years. Your help saves lives and improves health.

Help the VULNERABLE! Coats and Blankets for Christmas/winter-IMPACT Young Lives for all ETERNITY! Beautiful Children (Orphans) CLICK this link:

Pray! There are big groups and sub-cultures/worlds of people who are described more or less trapped by trauma and evil in some of the worst systems of the planet throughout history - people locked in like prisoners because little light ever shines there, it is an ENORMOUS mission-field of hurt and heartache for the perpetrators too:

This is the twisted logic of the people doing some of the worst things:

"Lara Logan:
Why Satanic Billionaires Are Raping And Torturing Children They Believe They Are Hurting GOD"

New Blog Post: In this issue, we want to feature our long-term friend and CMM Members, Tahir and Saima Saleem of RCCM in Pakistan. Tahir leads hundreds of churches in Pakistan, several in Germany, and in Dubai and UAE. He and his wife and precious family are trustworthy, faithful, and so fruitful. Please read and view these precious faces and pray about seeding in a gift as the Lord leads to today.

Please see the photos and read the post below to get a clear idea of the massive devastation and the urgent need. Pray and ask the Lord what He says to make your best gift in offering hope and Jesus to many hurting folks at HTTP:// today! These wells cost $1,500.00 USD each.

Uganda Opportunity: Angelina is a senior designer and tailor. The Lord showed her a plan to set up a tailoring training center that helps qualify young adult women who were orphans, for them to make school uniforms for many schools in our district and beyond. These projects can pay them handsomely to help these eager and deserving women to be self-supporting and help pay the teachers. This will also help young orphans in primary and secondary schools pay for their school fees. Pray and give at today.

How is it possible they can keep him in jail without any real reason? I know these things happen in countries like China etc with persecution of Christians, but in America..?

I wonder if Stacey Abrams thinks the CDC is fighting inflation by killing kids with vaccines...

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