This is a Nigerian thorn carving of the Last Supper that was made decades ago. I love how Africans call things as they see them with no rancor, just truthfully through the filters of their experiences. Note here that Jesus and His disciples are black, but the betrayer Judas walking away from the table in the foreground, is white! I am not in the least offended by this. I grew up in Africa and although I knew white missionaries who loved and poured their lives for  Africa, I also witnessed how white bosses who did not have Jesus in their lives treated Africans with disrespect and betrayal. My personal prayer to the Lord is that I will be filled with Jesus Christ and His love, and never perceived, carved, or depicted as one who betrays Christ.

We are all made in the image of God and we too have multiple personalities. God has personalities of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. But there is no disorder with the Lord as He does everything decently and IN order, even when Jesus switches from compassionate to destroying the devil, He does it with an order of wisdom, His peace crushing Satan under our feet, and we stay in His rest.

Over the past few days the Lord told me some things about waiting upon the Lord. Besides rising up as eagles, renewing our strength to run well and not faint, He spoke to our youth being renewed. But when He said "youth", the Lord said clearly, "your faith and joy of a little child is the youth I am renewing." That kind of faith with joy that is indomitable, fearless, and knows that all things are possible in Christ! Pretty exciting! Apparently God is speaking this message to others in the Body of Christ as well, which makes me happy to have the word confirmed! Today I came across word from Lana Vawser to this effect.

Today I found out that the compelling urge to overeat on Thanksgiving is actually Biblical! Hahaha!!!

Yay! I woke up this morning thanking the Lord and thought, "Despite all the terrible happenings this year, I see all things working together for good and I am more thankful than I've been in years!"
Happy Thanksgiving!

@Jimm341 The heathen have to be removed. God told Israel to kill and destroy the inhabitants of Canaan. And like God provided a ram for Abraham to kill instead of Isaac, I believe God also has a way to remove the wicked law makers who are intent on destroying our nation with pagan and wicked ways.

Regarding FRAUDULENT BALLOTS using names of dead people to win for Biden. We may laugh, but God told me something serious. Invoking names of the dead to cheat, is NECROMANCY, and is ABOMINATION to God. The wages of sin has not stopped being death and the law of sowing and reaping is still in effect because God does not change. These cheaters who have sown into death by invoking the dead, will be reaping back a greater harvest of death to themselves simply because that is the LAW of God!

Yes! This challenge to love those who do despicable deeds and hail Satan with glee. The Lord has been reminding me of how he looks at His creation that rejects Him and mocks His gestures of love to help them.
While Jesus was up on the Cross, He knew which of the two thieves belonged in His Kingdom and which one did not. Jesus only spoke with the one who recognized Him as holy, but not to the other thief. And Jesus still cried out forgiveness for all mankind!

@sinbach I find it interesting that the "world" recognizes evil with more alacrity than "Christians". Praying for believers to wake up and flee from evil!

@ShanHB Welcome to the DingDash group! I'm not on every day but there are others who are more frequent. It's a nice place to stop and look around, enjoy some posts, and feel safe.

@mariapombo God tells me jokes all the time! Hearing and seeing things from God's perspectives often gives platform for humor. God is not dull! One time He pointed out to me that He is my "CYA" (Cover your ass) when I was speaking to some one who didn't know the Word or Jesus. The Lord reminded me that in Isaiah it tells us that the Lord is our Glory and OUR REAR GUARD! Hahaha! I love God's sense of humor!

@Olamide Welcome to DingDash! It isn't quite FB but I like it as a gathering of Jesus believers who have freedom to share hearts.

@mariapombo I like this thought! When we put our feet up on the Heavens is when the world is turned upside down for the Kingdom of Heaven!

@storehouse Praying a supernatural cloud cover over your friend to be hidden in the Rock Christ Jesus where the enemy cannot find or touch him, family, ministry, etc.

@Cherishingsparrows , keep in mind that DingDash is a fairly new social media platform, not at all with number of members like Facebook. The more we get our friends over here, the bigger our community will be.

@Cherishingsparrows Hi! To see more posts, click on the little world icon to see the federated timeline and that should show more posts from other countries. And welcome to DingDash!

@Hiyano Hello to you as well! I'm fairly new here too.

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