@HealthRanger This what should happen. May the Lord being His justice in our day and have mercy on Joe Biden’s soul.
The Apostle Paul said to a
Congregation in Philippi: “...there wasn’t a single other church, except yourselves, that entered into a two-way partnership with me, giving and receiving.” (Philippians 4:15).
How much would our churches pay today to have the Apostle Paul come and preach? Talk about a headliner! Yet, in his own day, even many Christians were afraid to associate themselves too closely with Paul.
The faithful, mature, Church has ALWAYS been small. That doesn’t mean the church is small. Jesus described us as “sheep,” which is not flattering. But it is factual. Sheep need to be led. Don’t be discouraged if you feel alone or in the minority. If you are leading with courage and conviction, you are part of God’s “A team.” The Apostle Paul was also ostracized in his day. Today, billions of people read his words and attribute the status of “the word of God” to his letters. That is vindication!
Don’t look for the praise of men. To be praised by God is the prize.
I hear many Christians saying, "I don't expect any justice on this side of heaven." Why? Did God say that we shouldn't expect it? What if the problem is, "You have not because you ask not"? Will justice come on our time? Not likely. But it will come. Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free." Truth is justice and it ALWAYS comes eventually. Don't give up. The Kingdom of God is here.
Just because it is fun.
Every father leaves his children an inheritance. But what kind of inheritance will we leave? Our posterity will judge the quality of our work.
"If my Dad had only been there, I would not have done half the stupid things I did as a teenager..."
Why does Dad's presence or absence in our life make such a difference? Josh Saltz knows the answer. Josh joined me in the studio this week to share his journey from fatherlessness to wholeness.
The Faith of the Fathers Telegram Link: https://t.me/FaithoftheFathers
The Faith of the Fathers Website (Contact Karl): http://www.karlgessler.com
Let's keep this going, folks.
This is really eye-opening. As men, we need to realize the way that technology affects our lives and our parenting. I say it is time to get off Facebook and stay off of it forever.
Also, it is worth noting that our enemy does not want us to meet in-person for worship. The enemy wants our faith to be merely "virtual reality." The Gospel is reality. The living, abiding, presence of Jesus is reality. The presence of Jesus is real and physical and will never be replaced or equaled by "virtual" anything. One definition of "virtual" is "almost real." Jesus is not almost real. Jesus is present and even able to walk through locked doors (See John 20:19). Mark Zuckerberg is digging his own grave.
So many people tried to do this yesterday, the website got overloaded. It is back up today. Let's get this thing to one million signatures as soon as possible.
I am a husband, father, worship leader, song-writer, missionary, and podcast host. I live in Western North Carolina, USA, from where my family and I share our life and music with the world.