
A woman was once asked what she gained from praying. She replied…
“Prayer isn’t about what I gain, it’s about what I lose. In prayer I lose my pride, arrogance, greed, desire for sin, impatience, despair and discouragement. Prayer allows me to lose the things that get in the way of drawing closer to Him”

@Berrybunchfamily same for worship. How often do we enter worship for the ‘gain’ instead of ‘giving’ 😬

@Lindseyay so true. Communion with Jesus help us to cling to the right things and let go of the wrong....I guess that why we are told to pray without ceasing.
Thank you for sharing this.

@MaryMamuzich so true. How can we know what He wants us to hold onto and what to let go unless we know His heart? How can we know His heart if we don’t talk to Him?

@Lindseyay agreed! I was also surprised to learn some new things about prayer from a book I read by TL Osborne called the Message that Works in his chapter on victorious prayer. Some of you on Ding Dash May want to check it out. Here’s the most relevant section.

@Jhayward oooh I’ve not heard of that, I’ll check it out!!

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