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@Olamide @blueheart1000
Amen! Ppl can dream things that are in the back of there mind. I trust the Lord totally. He never lets us down! His voice is clear.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @blueheart1000 i agree. I'm not afraid. We all have gone through troubles and our Lord carry's us through. My thoughts always go in the direction of helping others. My freezer is full my pantry is close. I pray my eyes, ears and heart will see those that are in need. Also food banks are important to help. I get excited to see the mighty hand of God! Amen!!

@Olamide @blueheart1000 I don't have anymore information but I hear this sort of thing from other believes. I'm not sure what to do... I always stock up for the winter and I live in an area with lots of water ( rivers and lakes.) What are your thoughts?

@rastites there go I but for the grace of God! I'm so grateful for His unending live and forgiveness. We all need to keep the ppl you do unthinkable evil in prayer.

@blueheart1000 my brother's good friend had a dream 3 days in a row. It was(I can't remember all the details) a calendar showing September then October then November, with November crumbing and falling.

@Asianking I'll be praying for the Lord's angels to surround you and your precious cargo!!

@SarahTheBeloved I've heard of this a few years ago. I'm sure kids rebel against there childhood teaching. I wonder if they were taught all the " don't s" and the abundant love of Jesus. Is sad how they fall so far away, I pray they surrender their hearts anew to the Lord... Something they probably never have done. 🤷

@sinbach on this... I stand with the underground house church.

@sinbach thank you for the update. I was wondering how things were going.

@Asianking excellent!! They will love what their hands have built.

@ChiaChatter it's a big state with lots of verify. Lots of open space... Some don't care for but I live near Glacier National Park, the biggest tourist attraction, lots of hiking, rafting, fishing ect.

@ParkerTechGuy that's what my husband and I said!! We did miss church though.

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