What she had to go through was horrible and dehumanizing for a world leader. We are not talking about an inconvenience - we are talking about hours of unexplainable rejection and humiliation.

Praying we get some Freedom in Virginia! Thank you to everyone who has voted. Think about where you want this state to head restrictions and tyranny or freedom and liberty.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Overcomer @tanjaostman

Forcing parents to sign up to a mandatory register (like sex offenders currently so in the UK) so the government can then force access to your home to inspect you, your family and your children, using non trained, non skilled government staff, with no accountability deliberately built in so you can't complain at anything they do to your or your children - all in order to determine if you're good enough to educate your children at home, using standards that home educating families would never use

The usual excuse for it? Safeguarding

despite there being lots of evidence that it will cause harm to children, not help them

It is a disgusting attack on freedom of speech and democracy

Especially when the vast majority of home ed parents do so because state education failed their child...only to be inspected based on state education standards

It is sickening 😠

10 years ago they tried, and failed...I don't see it failing this time

Exploring another VA state park! Beautiful to see some much of God's Creation.

What do you struggle with? Challenge to lay down those things that you know are wrong or at least not helpful and follow God more!

@sinbach so heartbreaking. Intercessors and prayer warriors cry out to the living God.


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