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How does one change their DingDash profile name, if so desired?

@daniel *Lord be with Daniel and family as they process. May the sense your companionship, give them wisdom and pour out your strength and power upon them. Thank you. Amen.

MiBurrito boosted

My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

MiBurrito boosted

This is so sick and demonic. You may not want to read it all, but this has to be exposed.
This guy was "pro-life" too.
I think this is only the beginning. Bring Justice for our children, LORD.


MiBurrito boosted

Good morning everyone, I have a prayer request: please keep my neighborhood in your prayers, there was a police shooting on the freeway by my house. Since I’ve lived in this town nothing like this has happened, just minor crime. Thank you and God bless 💟

@sinbach ¡Sí Señor Sinobach, es la verdad! Working in another language changes us. Cybernetic fellowship with others from another culture or in person does change one. Most of my personal prayer time isn’t even in English anymore.

@sinbach Lord, please give these developers great anointing with wisdom, clarity and understanding. Thank you. Amen.

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist
Gracias. When you have the Group capability please let me know. I don’t trust WhatsApp anymore.

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist
The prayer groups we have reach into Latin America. Not everyone are bilingual. The pre-requisite for the groups is that all will only communicate in Spanish. Do you have a translator program that gives account creation instructions in Spanish?

Can a prayer group transfer from WhatsApp to Ding Dash? In other words, Does Ding Dash offer the ability to create groups?

You have my curiosity up. What is United Hive?

Thank you for this platform. May God bless its purpose.

MiBurrito boosted
DingDash is one server in the network