MiBurrito boosted

These are pictures we took at an orphanage we visit to help. Our hearts break as we wipe dirt or dry vomit off their little bodies. Or unleash them from a chain holding them to the wall so they can’t move more than a foot away. Or tend their oozing infections in their mouths, feet or wherever. When I have one of these little ones near me all I feel is love and compassion. To tend them with the most Jesus love possible. We can’t go see them right now because of covid. I hate covid. But when I PRAY, I ASK GOD TO SHEILD THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS and to help them feel HIS LOVE regardless of what humans are doing. And I BELIEVE with ALL MY HEART that God answers and honors these prayers. For HIS heart breaks even more than mine.

So Christians please care! As a church we CAN make a difference. We can adopt. We can support financially. We can help physically. We can pray. We can advocate.

Or We can forget and look away.

My thoughts from China tonight.

@sinbach @bethany Sinobach, you have some good points there. What I do know is when the Holy Spirit brought my heart to reckon with sins power over me and convicted me of sin, and brought His work of repentance in my heart and then brought believing faith to my heart, there was something marvelous that happened inwardly. After that I began to recognize a continual presence in the my heart that wasn’t there before. It was the Holy Spirit. When the presence of God is in the heart that is something new. When we walk in the newness of life a new spiritual dynamic is in our heart and the heart knows it, senses it. It doesn’t automatically change our type of personality but a transforming power is at work within us and the heart is in tune to it more and more. Those are some of the new qualities at core of the heart in the “new creature.” Maybe this is the essence of the new person. God is resident in the heart now and manifesting Himself through the new follower of Christ bring change.

@Jorge Amen Lord. Do what you can do and triumph in this.

@Wes_Dalgleish. Lord, touch this little baby. Bring healing to her and peace to her mom. Bring healing and peace to the family that has all this turmoil. Draw them to rest their hearts in you.

@Samzero Hold tight. You will learn. Poke around a bit. You
May figure some things out.

@Lindseyay Maybe “spiritual warfare” fits the description. However, it isn’t beyond the probability that someone behind the scenes caused that to happen.

@DevotionalTreasures It is P. Woellhof. In Dash, it is Mi Burrito. Want to change that but can’t figure out how.

@Berrybunchfamily @davereimer @tymektt Supposedly lack of supply. I wonder if it isn’t more than that. Maybe it is to get us conditioned to living this way always and is used as a means of controlling the people.

@Berrybunchfamily @davereimer @tymektt
We have some empty shelves again in the grocery stores here Texas: USA

@Nate317 I am finding the method of disciple making as a result of God working in the heart and life of a missionary in northern India is very y helpful and effective. The book “Contagious Disciple Making” helps one reach a lost person or persons, see them come to Christ, and then see them disciple others till they come to Christ. Behind the scenes prayer and fasting sees the hand of God move, prepare hearts -and bring people to Christ. Relationship building is a key factor also.

MiBurrito boosted

STORM! HUGE STORM HERE AND FLOODING AND HUGE HAIL! My son is on is way home and said 2-3 feet where he is in areas already! HUGE hail!

Our yard has a shallow rushing of water already!

Please pray for all the emergency workers, the elderly and those in need!!!!!!!!!!!!

MiBurrito boosted

We are on one of our biggest adventures right now. can't say much about it but would appreciate your prayers.

@sinobach - I appreciate what you have done for the underground church technologically. Can you all help those of us in the west that aren’t there yet but don’t like being tracked by Microsoft or Apple? To have word processing and video capabilities that is very secure would be wonderful. Many of us are cautious as minister but surveillance is creeping in more and more. Can you all help us?

MiBurrito boosted
MiBurrito boosted

We got word an hour ago of one of our pastors in Afghanistan, Pastor Siddique, was notified that his house now belongs to the Taliban and 'they know what he is doing.' His family has fled to the country side and others are also being threatened. We ask you to pray. CMM has already received some funds to send to them and other friends' groups working in Afghanistan like FAI and others. These are front line warriors risking their lives to share Jesus' love. As the Lord leads give at www.cmm.world for rapid response fund or covert.

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