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MiBurrito boosted

One of our BTJ partners working in a closed country was ministering yesterday in a rural village. The police were called and the local authorities are now looking for him.
Please keep him and his family in your prayers today 🙏🏼

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist When is DingDash going to have the capacity to have groups¿ We have 3 Spanish speaking groups that need to leave WhatsApp quickly.

@ByGraceAlone Lord, please keep your healing hands upon Voddie. Give peace of mind and heart and be a constant companion and a felt prescence. Thank you. Amen.

*Thank you Jesus for emptying yourself by giving up your right to sit in heaven at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for taking on a human body and experiencing human life so you can identify with what we go through. Let your Spirit work in us so that we can be emptied of ourself at the control center of our heart and teach us how to serve others. Help us to be faithful to You even if means giving our life for your sake as you gave your life for us. Thank you. Amen.

@DevotionalTreasures Really appreciated that devotional. Holiness is the essence of God from which all His other attributes flow. He wants His holiness to work in us and to flow through us to touch others, cleansing and transforming us in the process. A surrendered heart opens the door for that to begin. May God give us a heart hungry for His heart of holiness.

@weavers4jesus Lord, please use this incident in the life of this man and woman to draw them to Jesus. Thank you for your servant that was available so you could minister through her. Bless her life also. Thank you. Amen.

Praying that The Holy Spirit prepares our hearts to worship in Spirit and truth. May God speak truth to our hearts. Help us Lord to hear your voice! Amen.

@GoodToughStuff Brother Hessed, do you speak and write German also?

I want to thank Bethany for sharing the stories from the Chinese church, over these last 30 days. It has been a blessing and an encouragement. May we let God work in us and hold us steady when trying times come our way!

@LevyPait Lord Jesús, please be with Levy and family. Be their comfort and guide. May they sense your presence and companionship moment by moment. Thank you. Amen n

I hope y’all have a good day tomorrow worshiping in Spirit and truth.
¡Buenas noches!

@sinbach I am confused a bit. I went online and paid $.99. Is that for an ebook? If so, how do I find it online.

MiBurrito boosted

This is my daughter Lisa, who has Placenta Accreta. Plz pray the placenta quits growing through the uterus and Lisa will suffer NO bleeding problems. She has had 2 miscarriages; this will be her 3rd child. Thank you for praying! This DD family is priceless... If we never meet in person I know we'll have a blast when we meet in Heaven! I truly love you all.

@sinbach I have been thinking that way myself. We probably draw too much unnecessary attention to ourselves in the western church. Announcing our activities less plus spending more time with God, seeking Him to work, would probably bring more lasting fruit in the Kingdom of Christ.

MiBurrito boosted

Please pray for our brother Voddie Baucham, a faithful minister of the Gospel. He recently discovered he has heart failure and is returning to the USA for tests and treatment. This is a bold and courageous warrior for the Lord. Join me in praying for his health and recovery!

@bethany Thank you Bethany. I liked brother Yin’s biography. He walks close to Christ.

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