Miracle17 boosted

Prayer Centers Your Attention on God
Page 37, Thriving Through Your Trials Devotional.

@MaryMamuzich Thank you for your kind words and loving support of our special needs family. So touching.

Miracle17 boosted

@Miracle17 such a special Lil guy! Our business used to give helicopter ride to "Project Hope" kids. Kinda like Make a Wish. I lift you and all parents of special needs children to the Lord. You all are beautiful.

Miracle17 boosted

@Miracle17 Praise God for your beautiful son, especially as we enter the time of celebration of God son! Some day your son will sing and dance with the most gifted!

May this devotional reading from Thriving Through Your Trials, bless you and encourage you. God has you covered. instagram.com/tv/CG-GCxij7YK/?

Joy, pure joy. God is so good. He takes the weak things of this world and makes them strong. My son may have a rare and lethal (but God had other plans) form of dwarfism, but his smile lights up the world and brings many hope.

Miracle17 boosted

For the FIRST TIME: American missionary facing charges in South Korea for sending Scriptures into North Korea.

Miracle17 boosted

Don't know what your theology says, but China's apocalyptic events just keep coming! No joke! ...Worst floods ever, earthquakes almost every day, covid-19, bubonic plague, locusts, swine flu, hail the size of golf balls, fire coming from heaven and burning buildings, sun going black in middle of day, winds so strong people have to crawl, and now one of the worst snow storms of the year and looks like a Game of Thrones episode.
Is God trying to tell China something?

Miracle17 boosted

Sometimes I’m hesitant to share our little guy on social media. But it’s messages like this that warms my heart knowing Samuel spreads joy to so many.

Daddy asking Samuel a question. We’re working on the “s” sound so Samuel decided to come up with his own version. Wait til the end. 💙

Miracle17 boosted

I've a friend from my congregation whose DNA also is not supposed to support life. She has been battling cancer for years. She took herself off her last med a few years ago because it was killing her heart.

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