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Nikki boosted

The American Revolution happened because we realized that the crown was not treating us as citizens but as slaves. Complacency would lead to the enslavement of our children.
We must now realize that we CANNOT accept the 2020 Election without becoming slaves ourselves. If they take away our vote, they will take away EVERYTHING else. For the sake of your children, contest the 2020 Election until it is made right. And pray for God’s help in doing so.
Friends don’t let friends become enslaved.

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Grandma puts on her mask and enters the grocery store, leaving her 12 year old grandson alone in the car to surf the web on his phone. Another tragic case of missing the real danger.

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@weavers4jesus my daughter (38years old) used to have seizures when she was around 6years old. She was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times!!! Unknown to us she grew without the natural curve in her neck which restricted the blood flow to her brain. My chiropractor was able to fix her neck and she grew up perfectly healthy.
But I know the helpless/ heartache of watching your child go through a seizure! I truly am sorry and I am praying!

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Nikki boosted
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