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Yesterday we had dinner with the boys and watched a film together.

Nd yet, today, Jo and I haven't been yet able to get out of bed.

We're both feeling much rougher today, not better - hoping this marks the beginning of the end of the virus, rather than sinking back into it

Today is also the end of our 10 day self isolation, and 7 days with very obvious symptoms

Feeling pretty broken today. Ongoing prayers would be most appreciated

Boys seem much less bad. Steven describes his current symptoms as like that of a head cold

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Even as a young boy, he had his eyes set on the military life.
Just two more weeks and I will be with him to watch him swear in to be contracted as an officer in the US Marine Corps.

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Few even notice, but the negative impact on Christian missionaries from this new proposal is H-U-G-E.

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@sinbach I'm sensing a false flag coming soon... How about Sean Feucht's Let Us Worship event on the National Mall in DC on September 11th?! I would not be surprised if Antifa infiltrates and causes trouble. Since the feds have announced this "threat" ahead of time, they will feel justified in attempting to arrest Sean and other believers... Like January 6th all over again. They are trying to silence all opposition. Lord help us! 😂😭🙏

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How dangerous is the Gospel message?
BTJ's social media developer was kicked off Twitter
Taliban's social media manager has 300k Twitter followers and used Twitter to coordinate the capture of Kabul.

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Until we are ready to have an honest conversation about the rule of Islam and Persecution of Christians, we will NEVER understand what went wrong with Afghanistan.

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@sinbach Righteous anger! However I believe exposure is coming quickly and there will be justice! 😀

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So many people tried to do this yesterday, the website got overloaded. It is back up today. Let's get this thing to one million signatures as soon as possible.

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Islamic terrorists execute 5 Christians, video of killings released with warning to other Christians
Five of the 11 Christians kidnapped on Christmas Day in northeast Nigeria have been executed by Islamic terrorists

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for America
for Canada
The faithful in Christ need much supportive prayer in North America.

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I have to be honest, as I "briskly" walk the streets here, the anger of my presence is palpable and is made vocal with hisses and unintelligible comments, but the love of Christ is greater. Hate is the sign of darkness and the greater the darkness the greater the need for the love of Christ. The carnal mind rejects the idea of sacrificial love but the enemy's aggression against it is a testimony to its power.

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Several BTJ supporters have been sharing about the Canadian pastor that was arrested for not shutting down his church.
Some compare it to persecution in China.
Other BTJ supporters argue what has happened to the pastor is not persecution, but is something different entirely.
What's what?
We talk to a pastor in China and ask his opinion.
His answer might ruffle some feathers.

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Here to ask for earnest prayer on behalf of a dear missionary family in China. They cannot post for themselves. Their family is besieged with respiratory illness, several of them severely. The consequences of even being suspected of being ill like this are severe in China. This family needs the healing power that Jesus paid for on the Cross.They are weary in the battle. Please pray.

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Make no mistake we WILL NOT TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK WITHOUT repentance of personal rebellion against God (and a 2020 election audit and correction to boot!) America has been great because we feared God. America will not be great again until we fear God again.

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This is very moving. I think Jordan Peterson is inches away from the Kingdom. In the name is Jesus, come on in, Jordan!

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My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

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