
Just getting back home from the field... totally fagged out..but I have a thought I felt to share...♥️

@Olamide well said- All the glory to our Yeshua Ha Mashiach!

@Olamide Love your fellowship Brother! People need to see Jesus in us, not just hear about him. It is so easy to make void our gospel message by the way we live. O, that we would all be exhorted to live Christ!

@Olamide it's so hard when ppl argue about their church being right and others are "way off"
I agree with you that love should always be the center of all we do. Walk in the light as He walks in the light.
I pray you get (much needed) rest. Thank you for your service to Christ.

@MaryMamuzich Thank you so so much!! "Rest" is something I had to learn to do.

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