Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges.
Because of the Media reports, there was sooo much I didn't know.
I didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around. He essentially stopped a terrorist attack.
Because he was labeled as a white supremacist, I didn't realize that Kyle ONLY shot white guys - making him worse white supremacist in history.
I didn't know it is legal for Kyle to have a gun in Wisconsin, even at 17.
I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun. The gun owner did - legally.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Rosenbaum - a 5 time convicted child rapist.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Huber - a multiple violent offender convicted of beating women.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Grosskreutz - a convicted Burglar, illegal gun owner who aimed his gun at Kyle first.
I didn't know that the Police were told to stand down.
It is amazing how the media can effectively shape our opinions.
👏 OSHA suspends enforcement of vaccine mandate https://beckernews.com/biden-administration-in-full-retreat-federal-vaccine-mandate-is-now-suspended-due-to-onslaught-of-legal-challenges-43045/
Imagine....your child leaves home for school in the morning and later that day you discover that the government detained them and all their classmates and sent them to a government quarantine camp because someone in the school was suspected of being exposed to the coronavirus.
This just happened at our sons' secondary school in Hong Kong.
No one at the school was sick.
No one from the school has tested positive.
The detention of all 120 children and sending them to a government quarantine camp was based on POSSIBLE exposure.
I don't want to scare those of you who are vaccinated. But I am glad that they sometimes admit the connection to the vaccine... even if MSM always say it's very rare. I hear about these "rare" cases of death or severe injuries due to the mRNA every day.
Lithuania is the most authoritarian state in Europe right now. Poor people. They were suffering under Soviet communist rule until 1990, when they became independent (again). Without the covid passport It's even difficult to buy groceries. Sometimes I feel like taking part of a bad movie because of what's happening around the world. It doesn't make sense. Last night I had nightmares and woke up with anxiety in the morning. I just had to start the day with worship songs and then focusing on work. I had read and heard too much yesterday, that upset me. So much suffering! I wouldn't be as anxious if I wouldn't have a child. I think of his (and all children's) future in this evil and weird world. One thing is for sure, it is more difficult to be young today than it was only ten years ago. And then comes this evil plandemic that makes young people kill themselves in despair. I don't feel depressed but extremely frustrated and sometimes anxious, like today.
@faith20 It’s great that we can encourage one another and pray for our newfound brothers and sisters around the world thanks to DingDash! Take courage!
Vax question - please help!
I work remotely 1,000+ miles from my company's office.
They are encouraging us to fill out religious exemption forms instead of send proof of vax.
But the religious exemption form has 9 invasive questions like, "have you ever gotten a vaxx before?" and, "how would this vaxx prohibit your expression of religion?"
SO INVASIVE! Why do they need to know this when the only thing I'm breathing on all day is my plants????
What would you do? Fake a vaxx card? Give them all your personal information on the exemption form? Quit? Be fired?
When you’re desperate for God, you become dependent upon the daily sustaining power of His word. Your source of survival is your daily manna— feeding on the word of God. We know the manna of the wilderness was good for only one day; if kept over into the next day, it would rot (Exodus 16:12-31). It’s still true that yesterday’s feeding in the word will never sustain us for today. One of the primary functions of the secret place is to be fed afresh each day in His word. (B. Sorge)
China legal expert advocates for death penalty for those that break covid-19 laws on official television.
Chile is starting to wake up against vaccine passports 👏
Chile is a 90% vaccinated country with two shots, but politicians introduced the third shot as requirement to the vaccine passport.
Even with 90% vaccinated people AND vaccine passport mandates, people have strict restrictions for restaurants, offices, stadiums, etc.
People who give up their freedoms for security, will get none of them.
Did you know that #turmeric is just as effective as 14 pharmaceutical drugs? #naturalremedies