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Would you pray for my son? He has Asperger's and is easily influenced. He's off to college and wrestling with what he really believes spiritually. Even though he's at a "christian" college, there's no biblical feeding happening and instead, he was introduced to D&D groups (which, in my opinion, is witchcraft). He looks lost in his eyes and sad. He must walk this road and decide to choose Jesus while out on his own. It must be HIS relationship. His passion and choice. I know the promise God gave me for him: that his life was to be dedicated to God and he is a kingdom warrior! It will happen but I'm praying he doesn't take the long, hard road. Please pray that he chooses to remove himself from these D&D games and instead find other students who are a godly influence. Pray that he would encounter Jesus in a very real, personal way. Thank you. ❤️

"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him." -1 Corinthians 1:27-29 ❤

@Overcomer @messenjahofchrist Dear God in heaven please continue to expose until every last one of these vile people is accounted for!

"All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." -Matthew 25:32-33 🐐🐑

Good morning everyone, I have a prayer request: please keep my neighborhood in your prayers, there was a police shooting on the freeway by my house. Since I’ve lived in this town nothing like this has happened, just minor crime. Thank you and God bless 💟

@messenjahofchrist This is deeply disturbing, but God is answering our prayers to expose the darkness so we can heal. 😭🙏

There is an evil agenda behind the "vaccine." I refuse to take an experimental "vaccine" that violates my conscience! I will not be a guinea pig!

@TexasTruthTeller I will not argue with you, but I will leave one final thought. The pain and abuse you've experienced is much deeper than I initially thought. You may have actually experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the past, but all of the abuse has distorted the ligitimate encounter you've had with God. Though I am not responsible for what has happened to you, I am deeply sorry to hear of the pain and disillusionment you've encountered. I am sorry for passing any judgment... That was not my intent. I want to see the Body of Christ healed. I pray the Lord will heal your heart. ❤

@TexasTruthTeller The Pharisees accused Jesus of being Beezebul (Satan) Mark 3:22. You accuse me of being like Satan... So I'm in good company with Jesus. I know scripture very well. I could drop scripture all day long, but this is not a competition. I just want you to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:16 and Acts 1:5). I am done conversing with you now. I will pray for you and I hope you have a nice day. May God bless you with his love!

@TexasTruthTeller The Holy Spirit lives in every believer. I simply see what is coming out of you. Anger and Pain. I pray you are healed by the love and comfort of God.

@sinbach That's wonderful! I look forward to getting to know everyone! 😊🙌

@TexasTruthTeller The religious spirit has warped your thinking. The one thing we can agree on here is the importance of the Bible... the word of God.

@TexasTruthTeller Sir, you pointing out everyone else's sin does not negate the gifts of the Holy Spirit today. Why don't you stop pointing a finger at the lives of others and ask Jesus to pour out his Spirit in a fresh way in your own life. Receive for yourself and don't worry about others' sins and shortcomings. I used to be under the religious spirit myself... all it produces is anger and self- righteousness, which is a stench to God. He desires mercy. There is more he wants to give you... but you have to receive it.

@TexasTruthTeller This is a lie. I challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you... and wait on the Lord to hear his voice. You may be surprised. I have witnessed miracles and I currently operate in the giftings of the Holy Spirit. This lie you believe is keeping you from experiencing the fullness that Jesus has for you. May he heal your soul of the deep pain and wounds you have so you may experience the new wine of the Spirit of God.

@TexasTruthTeller Sir, you are possessed by a religious spirit. May God deliver you and show you his love and grace in Jesus' name!

@TexasTruthTeller Sorry, I have to politely disagree with you here. Kim Clement was not a false prophet. The body of Christ needs to resist bashing the prophets right now. Faith is required to believe God for the impossible. There is a reason that the Israelites stoned the legitimate prophets sent by God. Let's not let history repeat itself. God bless you!

@DevotionalTreasures Yes, that's good! It needs to happen in the body of Christ... There is a dividing and separating happening right now. Some are being lit on fire and others are going cold. Let the fire fall! 🔥

Revival is burning deep in my spirit. In spite of all the confusion in the world, one thing is clear: We need revival and we need it now! How do we step into the harvest with all the restrictions? Check out this post... It's even more relevant now than when I wrote it. It's GO time!

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