Hello friends! After a nice, long break from social media, I'm back and feeling very refreshed. Are you finding yourself exhausted in this season? Is this storm swamping you with stress? Read my current post to find some rest in the midst of it all. https://theovercomers.blog/2021/10/12/sleep-through-the-storm/
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Overcomer @tanjaostman
Forcing parents to sign up to a mandatory register (like sex offenders currently so in the UK) so the government can then force access to your home to inspect you, your family and your children, using non trained, non skilled government staff, with no accountability deliberately built in so you can't complain at anything they do to your or your children - all in order to determine if you're good enough to educate your children at home, using standards that home educating families would never use
The usual excuse for it? Safeguarding
despite there being lots of evidence that it will cause harm to children, not help them
It is a disgusting attack on freedom of speech and democracy
Especially when the vast majority of home ed parents do so because state education failed their child...only to be inspected based on state education standards
It is sickening π
10 years ago they tried, and failed...I don't see it failing this time
@Overcomer @tanjaostman this is a most excellent and timely post
Very happy to reblog it, and I have a new blog to follow to.
Yes my heart has been weary...so much strife in the world
For me, in the UK, the almost certainly imminent forced home education register is one I can't shake....it's sickening to watch that
I also know that that one isn't my fight, because I have other things God is asking me to do
And yet I've lost many nights sleep recently...
My wife and I are fasting and praying next week about a different issue we're facing, and while I'm hungry at just the thought of it (anybod else have that?!?) it is always a special time as we seek to draw nearer to God
Your post is the reason DingDash is the first thing I do each day...seeking encouragement and new situations to pray for
Andy B
@Overcomer thanks for those encouraging words! π I know I need to implement those principles more in my own life. I've felt very stressed out, frustrated and discouraged the last two weeks, since Finland is planning covid passports, and they are already giving vaccines to 12-year-old children. Feels like living in a surrealistic movie. At the same time I read research that say that mass vaccination during a pandemic is contraproductive. Look at Israel and the Seychelles- the numbers of sick have skyrocketed. It has to do with an immunity reaction, among the vaccinated.
With new restrictions marching back in some places, political tensions high (at least in the US) and an uncertain future in front of us, what do we do? Worship! Read my latest post to be encouraged by a word I received from God. May you find the lifeline you need to carry you through the chaos with peace and joy. β€οΈπ https://theovercomers.blog/2021/08/20/worship-will-never-disappoint-you/
My first painting of 2021! I set a goal back in January to learn how to paint this year. I have always enjoyed the arts in general, but I have never once taken an official art class (only dance, theatre and one Paint Night). I found a very simple online instructional video for this seascape and went for it. I love how it turned out! I used to be a perfectionist... I struggled to complete most projects. I purposefully let go of this painting needing to be perfect (clearly it's not), but I am really proud of my beginner's progress and I had so much fun creating it. What goal(s) did you set for this year? How is your progress going? Do not feel bad if you haven't started yet! It took me over 7 months to finally get started (it's been a rough year)! We still have 5 months left of 2021, so there's no better time to get started than NOW! This week... Go for it! πππ
"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us." -Acts 17:26-27 π¨πππ
Every relationship has those topics that no one dares to touch. They're the "don't go there" conversations. It's just easier to sweep it aside for another day. We not only do this with things we are ashamed of, but also good things too. Our heart and hopes become hidden for fear of... you name it! It's time to say the unsaid! Read my latest post to find out how we can take easy steps to restore our most meaningful relationships with family and friends! https://theovercomers.blog/2021/07/16/saying-the-unsaid/
I just spoke to a friend in France. Macron has mandated the vaccine for all and a passport system. Consequences of disobedience include complete isolation, cannot go buy food or assemble.
Some people on both sides are protesting and getting violent.
Some Christians dont know what to do, and fear is prevalent.
Let's pray for France!
I'll be going there in August.
WATCH: Biden Administration to Launch βDoor-to-Door Vaccine Outreachβ
Neurological Tics, Clicks & Whistles: Vaccine-Injured Mom Documents Horrific Side Effects Following Covid Vaccine
Lover of Jesus. Wife to Gabriel. Blogger @ theovercomers.blog