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@zephan One of the most Christian countries I have ever visited.

Please continue to pray for Armenia - the first Christian nation.
The damage to the cathedral in Shushi

Please stand with us with your prayers to bring the will of God and His Kingdom into this situation and on our borders. We believe that God is the one who has decided our borders and it will be according to His Plan and this is what we are waiting and believing for (Acts 17:26).

But we also want and have been praying for a divine solution to this ongoing conflict when even in times of “cease-fire”, we have violations and our young soldiers killed by clashes and sniper attacks on our borders. We must end this and it is up to us. And there is great determination and hope among our people that this is the time.

From a dear Armenian friend:
We, Armenians, are all united as one and we know that what we have to say is from the side of love, truth and justice. Our people are not against Turks or Azeris and we pray for their salvation and good and we don’t want one mother to cry over the loss of their son, whether Armenian or Azeri.

Beautiful Gandzasar Monastery Artsak. Miraculously preserved from Azeri bombing during the war in the nineties. Please continue to pray for Armenia

Please continue to pray for Armenia as things seem to be escalating.

I buy a lot of second hand books. I have access to a good bookstore in Wales at a place called Hay on Wye. I often pick up interesting books on missionaries and on revivals.

@Kruselady Some writings put the date of this event as 31 October.

@Kruselady I am a revivalist geek. I collect books on revival and read all I can.

On this day in 1904, at just 26 yeas old, Evan Roberts stood at the end of a prayer meeting in his home church, and shared this invitation to just 17 people.
1. Confess your sins
2. Get rid of anything in your life that could get between you an God.
3. Obey the Holy Spirit
4. Publicly declare Jesus as Saviour.
All 17 responded and dozens more followed. From there he began sharing his call to holiness and a Spirit led life - thus began the move of God known as the Welsh Revival

Susan boosted

We pray that God not only restore every penny stolen but pour on them abundant provision, favour and blessing!

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, serving the kingdom, around the world 🙏🏻

Susan boosted
Susan boosted
Susan boosted

Tuesday of prayers for North Korea 🇰🇵🙏🏽
Please pray with me. pray for Freedom for the country

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