😆 too funny and true.
On a deeper note.. I wonder if that is indicative of our lack of prayer in private. In other words, we don't pray in private. So when we are forced to pray in public, we are trying to sound spiritual or passionate for the ears of man, but it's just.. just... just awkward.
Have you seen the movie, "Tortured for Christ?" Or read the book?
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, from Romania.
A new movie is coming next week in theaters about his wife, Sabina.
Here's a link to find a location near you.
I'd love to have one of those bad boys during ganesh festivals, as well as other gods, in India.
Will it work on lights and fog as well, say, from a back row pew? (just asking for a friend)
I'm in Denmark now and my friend has written an encouraging book based on 10 true stories.
Free download
Cool! I'll be in Denmark middle of October
I've been travelling in Europe for almost 2 months now and I have a good laugh every time I am required to show proof of vax. It's just a piece of paper that I could have printed myself, with hand written names and dates... No watermark, stamp, website, QR code...
My friends are shocked when they see it. Not one country, coffee shop, museum, shopping mall, etc... has denied me entry.
Europeans need the QR code.
So funny!
According to this report, Hungary is being an example for all nations!