Today as we join our fellowships, let us life our brothers and sisters living in extreme persecution in Nigeria

Found a back door to provide food to North Korea during these hard times. This is ONLY because of prayer. A big thanks to everyone praying for BTJ!

Found a back door to provide food to North Korea during these hard times. This is ONLY because of prayer. A big thanks to everyone praying for BTJ!

Urgent help needed in Bangladesh! 57 dead and two million displaced. Tens of thousands homeless. BTJ sending aid to our missionary partners now

MARIAM WILL BE SHARING HER STORY in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania

Update: SADLY the police were very cold and indifferent today when Ann was taken to the Fraud department to give more information. She basically in tears said "We were just a number to them!We are a good family, we try to bless everyone in our path, we have 2 babies and none of them understand how much this hurts our family! "

My heart aches for her. She is the 1st Christian in her family, and her family is being cruel. Saying many divorces happen here so she should take it if her husband is angry! She told them he was not angry at her! Infact he was comforting her. They were shocked. They told her she is stupid, a bad wife, a bad mom, and so much more!

May her heart find healing in Jesus and the love from our son, and our family! I am also praying God will miraculously return the money to them through believers around the world! IT would speak so much more! It would speak of God's understanding, love, and the care of HIS children around the world! May God get GLORY!

We are doing a Bach family controlled study.
My wife and youngest son are now fully vaccinated.
Myself and my oldest son are not.
I've been traveling the world for months - different airport every week, speaking in large meetings, and staying in places with a no mask policy.
My wife is not traveling and forced to abide by the most draconian COVID policy on earth.
We will let you know our results.
You are welcome.

Man with violent history of domestic abuse, kicked in door to this woman's home, grabbed a knife and was about to attack her and her child. He went from room to room until he found the woman.
Police had no time to respond.
She had a gun. He now has a hole in the head.
Innocent lives saved.

Please pray for my friend, Adorina, who lives in India. Her father and grandfather both died and she said the sickness is worse now than it was last year. Thank you for your prayers for her family and for the nation of India.

Islamic terrorists execute 5 Christians, video of killings released with warning to other Christians
Five of the 11 Christians kidnapped on Christmas Day in northeast Nigeria have been executed by Islamic terrorists

Dear DingDash family, please keep us in your prayers today. I am here in the US writing Meriam Ibrahim's story. Not an easy story. Yesterday was filled with emotion and tears as Meriam talked about being born in a refugee camp, her father brutally murdering her aunt for an honor killing, her mother being tied up for two days and raped, and her running away and hiding to escape circumcision - only to be forcefully dragged back to the village and the Muslim elders publicly witnessing her genital mutilation - and this was all before she was even 7 years old!
We can use all the prayers we can get for this project.

After paying into the system for years, BTJ Workers in China have now been told "Deny Christ or lose your social benefits."

Here to ask for earnest prayer on behalf of a dear missionary family in China. They cannot post for themselves. Their family is besieged with respiratory illness, several of them severely. The consequences of even being suspected of being ill like this are severe in China. This family needs the healing power that Jesus paid for on the Cross.They are weary in the battle. Please pray.

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