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If Easter began for you with a sunrise service and ended when the sun went down, you have missed the whole point of Easter.
Easter launched the new creation. Because Jesus is raised from the dead, all things are possible. Speak life over your nation, neighborhood, and family.

There is power
Wonder-working power
In the blood of the Lamb!

Here's an analogy for your apologetics tool box for your evangelism discussion with someone about alleged contradiction:

My heart is moved everytime I realize that I have His words on my table while others are begging for reading a sentence in peace.
God, let every word become flesh. And every conversation a true walk with You.

Smoking is injurious to health! Smoke from kitchen kills too!
volunteers teach sustainable technologies to rural communities.

Cooking breakfast!
Traveling in South Korea on a Father-son snowboard trip without a microwave for our day old pizza.

"The Finnish passport is the joint third strongest in the world, allowing holders visa-free access to a total of 189 countries.../... Japanese and Singaporean passports topped the index, facilitating visa-free access to 192 countries worldwide, while Germany and South Korea came joint second place on 190.
Finland, along with Italy, Luxembourg and Spain, took third place. Among the other Nordic nations, Denmark and Sweden were in fourth place, Norway in sixth, and Iceland in eleventh."

I share this picture on social every year and every year it challenges me!

An Refutation of the skeptics claim of 50 alleged contradictions from ’ Final Week to His Ascension:

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