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God is still in the business of making impossible things possible!
Conducting a month-long Tent-makers training in the heart of a city, inside an abandoned orphanage campus was next to Impossible. When vehicles without special permits were impounded and people were arrested and put in quarantine facilities, hospitals and even in jail.
100 plus disciples learned Repairing electrical equipments, Stitching clothes, Constructing rural houses, Arc Welding furniture, chicken coups, etc
Now most of them are actively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission in their neighborhood.
(Representative picture)

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." -John 10:10 👿💥🗡️✝️✨⛲👑
Next in the agenda for elementary school board meetings: after school Satan club for children? Yay or nay?

Answer: Wt crap?!!? Seriously?! Are you freaking kidding me? 360 Degree Protection (with 5G Blocking EMF canopy.) Completely Block 5G EMF radiation, Microwave and Dirty Electricity from yourself and loved ones. Block and Shields harmful EMF waves that damage your DNA, brain, nervous system and immune system. 5G makes you more susceptible to Corona and Flu. Protect your family and loved ones easily.

I love how Matt Wlsh is dismantling the jibberish. 👍😀 He says these 'woke' people are hiding behind words with no substance.

A great life story of a 42 year old Thai man who grew up as a Buddhist in the USA, but found freedom and peace through Christ.

: 1 year ago this day we wrote "Discussion with a Pastor about US Constitution and 3/5 Compromise and lesson of correcting others" its a lesson to be careful and discerning with "pastors"

God's Word is a powerful weapon! (Double edged sword).
A group of leaders gathered together to read scriptures from Genesis to Revelation and spend time in prayer, last week.

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