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"You can disagree with the Bible all you want. It's still right, and you're still wrong."

60 Second Update, Issue 16

In Case You Missed It
Marriage Matters – Let’s Get Physical Part 2

Andy and Jo take a second look at the physical side of marriage and what God has to say about it all.

Endurance – Season Finale – Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Nathan and Steven discuss hypocrisy

Family Prayer Time – Drinks

Jo and Peter lead us in prayer for Ireland, using drinks, in particular Guiness, as a focal point.

Coming Up
Andy B 2 Minute Videos

As usual Andy B provides encouragement and wisdom in just two minutes. Just a thought!

Also Coming up

Endurance is having a month break. Do watch out for our next season with some exciting changes.

There is one more Family Prayer Time in which Jo Jo and Peter use animals as a focal point to pray for Australia.

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The BerryBunch

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Mis-labelled, but it’s not all bad!! S04E081

It’s so easy to look at someone and make a snap judgement based on what we see, or perhaps what we smell. For example, if we smell a super expensive perfume, we may well label that person as “wealthy and important”. But if they smell as though they haven’t had a wash for a few weeks, we might assign a label of “dirty and homeless”.

Both labels may be true, but they don’t help us at all when it comes to how we should be towards them. Because the person with money is just as valuable as the person without. And, actually, if we read how Jesus treated those two types of people, we’d realise that the person with less is actually the person Jesus would be drawn towards much more. What a world we could live in if we valued people as God valued them, rather than what they can do for us? [READ MORE]

Andy B

that there is funny, I don't care who you are.

I found this in the IG feed. It was shared by another person, so I don't know who this woman is. But only her new picture makes her testimony trustworthy enough.

The last half is with Matt Walsh and so worth watching. He talks about his documentary "What is a Woman"

Watch "Justice For Johnny Depp, and What is a Woman, with Matt Walsh and Mark Geragos" on YouTube

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