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#2017 everybody is talking about global warming, nobody is saying anything about export of Boulders and stones from the river, mining of sand and 🪨 rocks.

What is your guess 🤔? The Father's day catch from in a landlocked mountain village, is 1 pound or less ?

@mensajero I've tried to teach a few younger people - who were leading worship - not just to copy the people they've seen on a computer leading others in worship, but to take ownership of the songs they're seeking to lead others to worship instead.

It got increasingly harder over the years to be able to impart wisdom to those younger than myself; humility has faded quickly, and the hunger to learn from those more mature in their faith has become much weaker.

Too much 'copy and paste' going on, and not enough personal relationship with Jesus...

Andy B The Holistic Treatment of Cancer is a safe and effective alternative medicine treatment that uses non-toxic items instead of Chemotherapy, Radiation or Surgery. It can even help you recover from the side effects of medical cancer treatments like chemo and radiation sickness, nausea, hair loss, immuno- suppression. Get better without getting sicker. Works with your body instead of against it. Best natural remedies and therapies for cancer relief.

S04E083, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Clear The Memory Banks

When carrying out some rather widespread and deep website building work, Nathan and I ran across a really odd problem to have! Because, every time we loaded one video, another one kept on displaying instead.

After something of a panic, since it seemed to affect every video we had been working on, I thought about clearing the cache - for our internet browser.

If you’re more computer savvy than me (not very hard) then sorry for the following explanation:

The cache is much like the memory for your internet browser. When you visit a website and see a picture, the cache remembers that image and displays it for you, to save you data and time, without bothering to go and look to see if the latest image matches what it thought was there. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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The worldview of the skeptic annotated is incompatible with the very law of non-contradiction that they used to say has problems! Check out our article here:

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