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I’ve been visiting a 90 year old lady that lives near me. When I first met her she was new to the area and very lonely. She’s originally from Spain and raised as Catholic. She has a wonderful strong Spanish accent. She wanted things to read so I brought her the Heavenly Man and a few other Missionary autobiographies. She read them and seemed impressed by them. She did say she didn’t believe in the inerrancy of the Bible so I brought her one on that but she hasn’t read it. Finally yesterday I asked what she thought of the books I’ve given her and she said she didn’t believe they were true. She thinks the authors didn’t tell the truth about their lives. We talked some and I found that she thinks that my relationship with God is a mistake of belief if that makes sense! From what I understand she thinks you can’t have a personal relationship with God.Her name is Carmen I’d appreciate if you would pray for her.

Breakthrough in new ventures continuing. Please pray that our soul winning and establishing small groups may succeed as well.

Our families prayed, God answered ! You prayed and Paid and we are glad!
Thank you for the students scholarship. It's a blessing!

2 miracles reported after this post!!! Your prayers are being answered!
Hallelujah !

The awesome thing about having a hybrid, short daily commutes, and charging stations in Sweden where the overwhelming majority of energy comes from renewable energy is this! I filled up my tank almost a month and half ago and am still on full! 🥳

Thoughts and prayers with the Royal Family and our nation as we grieve the loss of our gracious Queen Elizabeth. A lady who’s reflections often spoke of her love for the Lord. Rest in peace your Majesty. Thankyou for your service to our nation and for inspiring so many. 🙏🏻

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