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Mentoring Vs Training
Project Vs Lifestyle

Sometimes Western patterns make havoc in the Mission fields.
Power points and thematic presentations are powerless compared to powerful impartation of the Holy Spirit.
Multiplication of souls and congregations in houses happens when first generation disciples take ownership.
A new team that received new input last month, started their ministry soon after reaching their hometowns.
(Representative pictures) Eating an unhealthy diet can steal years and life from your dog or cat. Give them the best natural holistic pet food so they can be healthy and happy for the long-term. They will also avoid the most common dis-eases like diabetes, fur loss, skin rashes, eye disorders, arthritis and even cancers, that are caused by grain and unhealthy pet foods.

@DevotionalTreasures Hi I miss seeing your posts.. hope all is well with you! I pray God bless and keep you dear brother in the Lord! Attn: Outdoor loving people (hikers and campers like me) and anyone going on a vacation (having one can save your life from drinking contaminated water.) Water is Life! Keep yourself and your family free from pathogens from outdoor water sources, chemicals, flushed medicines, heavy metals, microbes, toxins and vax ingredients! Remdesivir and other toxins from flushed medicines and covid vaxxes and PCR Tests are showing up in your tap water. You can get an easy to use the Berkey Light to get the poison out of you and your family's drinking water. Berkey gives you access to microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Be Prepared and always have safe. clean, pure drinking water!

Thanks to Why?Outreach for this meme they made to capture our refutation of the Skeptic Annotated Bible; see how our defense of the here:

How should you take care of yourself?

When Mickey Mantle was dying of diseases brought on by a life of heavy drinking, he said that he would have taken better care of himself had he only known how long he was going to live.

He gives us a profound lesson. How should we “take care of ourselves” when we are never to cease?

Jesus shows his apprentices how to live in the light of the fact that they will never stop living. This is what His students are learning from Him.

From “The Divine Conspiracy” – Dallas Willard

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