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Urgent prayers requested for a friend "Tobby" .
His platelet count is around 35000 Golden Citrine Quartz Crystal Tree - Abundance, Healing, Positive Energy. The most beautiful gift of healing I have ever seen! The energy feels incredible and it helps synchronize your heart and brain waves with nature's structure and harmonious waves. Crystals are what make computers work (as well as your third eye.)

It's a natural tendency for the fallen humanity to think that they need to help God, rather than trusting in Him and obeying His Word! seed vault

Hey everyone! GREAT NEWS…

Our son Alistair was discharged and came home last night… after EXACTLY 40 days. What a significant number throughout the Bible- symbolizing a time of testing and tribulation and finally triumph with new growth... what we believe God has been doing!

Please continue praying with us — he will have ongoing weekly surgical dilations to stretch out his esophagus until the surgery team sees that his esophagus stays at the right size.

We are thankful for you and your ongoing love and support. We have continued to trust in what Jesus desires and is doing - far more than we could ask or imagine!

Nice CNN. Reading an article on yesterday's night club shooting and I saw this gem.
"Colorado Springs, the state’s second-most populous city with just under 500,000 residents, is home to a number of military bases and is the headquarters for Focus on the Family, the conservative Christian group that says homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sins."

There is such a great hatred of the Church in this world.

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you."
John 15:18

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