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I'm having my first outdoor job lunch this year. It's +5°C and the sun is shining, so why not. You see snow piles if you open the picture. (I love food and would gain weight, if I wouldn't restrict my carbs intake. This is a green salad with beef).

(Representative pictures) .
Miraculously we found a 'carrier' to take Bibles to a new 10/40 window Nation.
Word of God is powerful, abundant sowing is mandatory, no compromise!!!

Hello, Dingdash! 😃
Norway, Europe calling here!

First post: Created & edited profile: "Pro-God & people worldwide. Norwegian Center Christian-Value-Conservative. Pro-Judeo-Messianic-Christian-values &Rule-of-law. Anti-Evil. Much GOOD! John 3:16 :)"

I don't know if this is a Christian-server only/mainly, but I made this profile for Gettr.

I thought I could brighten your day a bit (as the weather permits) 😉 and help point to a thing or two, resource, tips, something helpful.

I am 35 years, was born in Trondheim in a Norwegian-Lutheran State-Church family, and my father was involved in mission to the Sami people in Northern Scandinavia for many years.

Around 2004+ all my siblings had an awakening of sorts in "New" Charistmatic/Baptist congregations.

I have followed Asia Link and BTJ/Back To Jerusalem "offline" for many years. 😃 Great reports!

God bless you all!

"Greater love has no one than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13 💖✝️👫

Feel the love of Abba as He wraps His arms around you today. Some are facing weariness and accusations as they labor to birth His vision in your life. Feel Holy Spirit comfort as HS strengthens you to stand strong. This word is sent speaking on several levels, personally and those praying for the Ukraine war and tensions in Myanmar.
2 Kings 19:6-7 "Isaiah said to them, “Thus you must say to your master, ‘Thus says Yahweh, “You must not be afraid because the face of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled me. 7 Look, I am putting in him a spirit. He will hear a rumor and return to his land. Then I will cause him to fall by the sword in his land.”
The Lord was pleased with King Hezekiah and added 15 years to his life and even made the sun go backward in the sky. He will show YOU His amazing love and power too!

"In 1898 this is how they predicted police work in year 2000."
(Source: Historic Photographs, FB)

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