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New Psalm Sunday episode coming at 00:03 GMT UK time later tonight.

This is a big one: Resolving 50 Contradictions from ’ Final Week to His Ascension

The Finnish archipelago is unique and a tourist attraction - you find at least 180,000 islands in Finland (220,000 according to Wikipedia. 88,000 of them are amid the 188,000 lakes - the rest in the sea. If you open the article, and then click "the Kvarken archipelago" you find the archipelago outside of the coast where I live. In my opinion, it's not as beautiful as the archipelago in southern Finland, but what makes Kvarken archipelago unique, and a UNESCO world heritage, is that the land is rising at the rate of 8-9 millimeters per year, which is around 1 square kilometer of new land area every year (there are areas in our world that are sinking).

Standing by the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth", and he that was dead and buried for four days came back to life. Some day, Jesus, the Resurrection and Life, will descend with the shout from heaven, and the dead in Christ will be raptured.

If I die before the resurrection morning, my decomposed body will hear the Master's shout, "Chidi, come forth", and I'll be raptured with other saints to meet the Lord in the sky.

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