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Thanks to Why?Outreach for making this meme for our response to the skeptics attacking the :

BTJ Office Poland: "government just issued manuals to prepare for invasion."
Listen to our BTJ podcast with @tymektt to hear more.

The Solution to Every Dilemma! Psalm 110:3 'Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your power, in the beauty of holiness and in holy array out of the womb of the morning; to You [will spring forth] Your young men, who are as the dew.'
Luke 2:49 ' And He said to them, How is it that you had to look for Me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me [a]to be in My Father’s house and [occupied] about My Father’s business?'
Photo by Razvan Chisu on unsplash

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement sister. May our Father God bless you and yours today 🙏@Cherishingsparrows2020

@sinbach @tymektt Thank you so much for this balanced report. This is the first news I have received that I trust and can believe. This is one major reason I joined BTJ. Makes me even more glad to be a Gatekeeper.

Family vacation with my husband’s parents and brother-in-law. We’re close to the Norwegian border that finally are open again after this Covid-maze.
Uppe i Grövelsjön med mannens familj, barnen och njuter storligen!!

@sinbach Thanks for the reports on the World Government Summit and Shanghai. Valuable information for sure.

It's going to be hard to say goodbye to Visby tomorrow. SUCH an amazing place of tranquility like I've never experienced before.

As we approach no doubt skeptics will be attacking the and ; here's our response to this attack:

I have a friend in Shanghai. He’s been locked in his apartment for a long time. I think about three weeks now. Please pray that the people are released and set free soon. I’ve heard reports of some committing suicide. This is a common side affect of lockdowns. We’ve seen it across the world. Kids suffer the most. They get addicted to gaming and dads lose it on families, etc etc. Pray that Holy Spirit comes and invades those home with Massive Shalom bombs that give nothing it peace healing and Justice of the soul! Amen!!

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