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Thank you DD friends for your prayers. Ms Y is feeling better! She felt the oppression lifting and attack stopped. Much relaxed after several days of struggle!

Acknowledging the prayers through direct messages.
Thank you.

Urgent prayers needed for Pastor D" Light ' (not the real name).
Lever affected, allergies, vaccination reaction , etc, etc

Undergoing medical tests and investigation now. He is known to abandon treatment in the middle.

Please pray for his team, Elders and ministry spread in several Towns.

The Shot Heard Around The World! MUSK-IT! Prophetic LIBERTY BELLS Are Ringing!
How exciting to hear the news of Elon Musk buying Twitter! When Twitter cancels so many righteous innovators and allows terrorists and control freak globalists to dictate their platform we knew it wouldn't last.
We prophesy to the Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs and free speech proponents to join in the massive transfer of wealth with innovative, witty inventions and ideas to reshape society to prepare for the Great Commission, the Great Harvest and raising up the younger generation of wealth creators, co-creating with the King of Kings for bringing heaven to earth.

Please pray for a young student staying in hostel. One of our associates Daughter.
For Divine strength and Heavenly protection from all the attacks of the enemy.

Ukraine Update-Pray For Portable Water Treatment and Humanitarian Aid Shipments
Pray for the 5.5 million innocent Ukrainians who have fled their war torn nation. Pray for 7.7 million citizens forced to flee to other regions within Ukraine.
​Pray for CMM and the many great organizations working together to bring aid, comfort, and hope in Christ to the war victims' families. We are believing to raise $50,000 for portable water filtration systems that can provide safe water for thousands each day. Each of these mobile systems can produce 12,000 to 20,000 gallons of safe water today. We also are planning to send a cargo container of much-needed aid and medicines and food.
1 Cor 12:25 . that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.'

I think that celebrating April 30 and May 1 is a typical Nordic thing. You can read about it in the linked article. In our city there is always a car parade (mostly old American cars) among other things. There are many Finns who have old, American cars as a hobby, and they renovate them.

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