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Over 70 kids and 50 adults came to our outreach in northern Thailand next to a massive Buddhist temple Saturday. Many received Christ but most importantly we began our process of planting house churches, baptizing them
And helping them to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. What a huge day! In this part of the world, those are huge numbers to come out to hear about Jesus. The area is very resistant and closed to these things but we are seeing the seeds of revival. Praise God. 21 churches planted. Over 300 former Buddhist coming to Christ. Bible school planting here and our school of missions to send Asians to Asian nations and the Middle East (also part of of Asia) where we will send them after they finish our training. Amazing times we are living in.

You’re not defeated until your doubts take the place off your dreams… keep hold of your vision and your eyes fixed on Jesus 💥

Thanks to @WhyOutreach for maing this meme of our post refuting the skeptics' attack of the :

If your friends wont do this - they are NOT your friends.
I just found the NEW BTJ test for new partners. 😂

Where do l live ?
I live in that part of the world where people might give you directions , even if they have no idea how to get there 😂 Stop suffering with knee pain, there is something that really works to reverse knee arthritis pain. Arthritis in Your Knees is the most common place arthritis affects in most people. It can affect your mobility and cause a great deal of pain and discomfort if not treated. The holistic natural treatment for knee arthritis cleans up the damage, treats infections if you have them, and restore joint cartilage and joint fuel for pain free mobility.

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