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A legal affidavit is made to document the sale of a 12 year old child for 15 years, according to a news paper report published on 26th October 2022.

Pray for total transformation in Asia 🌏

Uganda Opportunity: Angelina is a senior designer and tailor. The Lord showed her a plan to set up a tailoring training center that helps qualify young adult women who were orphans, for them to make school uniforms for many schools in our district and beyond. These projects can pay them handsomely to help these eager and deserving women to be self-supporting and help pay the teachers. This will also help young orphans in primary and secondary schools pay for their school fees. Pray and give at today.

PDF ’ Dissertation: Revelational Foundationalism: A Constructive Synthesis of the Epistemologies of Cornelius Van Til and Alvin Plantinga

Soon the last leaves have fallen off the trees. We're heading towards winter here in Finland. I pray this winter won't be as cold as last winter, since the cost of electricity has increased several times. It will cost us a little more than one thousand euros a month, if we will have the same temperatures. That's too much, since we have a high inflation going on when everything is getting more expensive, but we still have the same income. I have already heard of Finns that have to sell their houses, because they know they won't be able to afford to keep their homes.

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