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If you are traveling for holiday and you are stuck in the airport, take the opportunity to read Greg Bahnsen's book "Always Ready." Our review here:

For appr. 15 years I’ve been longing for a more NT way of doing church, and was excited when I discovered books about it. But where I live most Christians are more concerned about traditions and to be faithful to their relatives (who often belong to the same church), than abut seeking the truth. Yesterday I was asked for the first time in all these years if I want to teach on the topic of Organic Church/House Church, and it made my happy! It was in a home group we joined a year ago, with other unvaxxed – not because we felt superior, but because we were excluded from the rest of society. They even implemented covid passports for a while.
I share some PPT slides with English quotes, and books that I recommend on this topic (there are many more books, but I own these). I included BTJ books by @sinbach in the list – not that they explicitly teach about house church, but they show examples of people who gather in underground house churches, even if they might not know that it's Biblical.

I was sad and a bit surprised to read that the Pastor of Swedens largest Pentacostal church, Niklas Piensoho, has given out a statement that people living in same-sex relationships can be both members and leaders in a Christian congregation. He also claims that the Bible doesn't say that it's a sin to live in a homosexual relationship.

I think we have come to a point that we need to choose in which camp we are standing: with the Bible-believing congregation (who will meet persecution) or with the lukewarm congregation that falls away from His word. The division inside the church has started, but dear brothers and sisters, let's not make compromises! 🙏

Have you spiritually grown the last three years? Reflections from my 2022 Trip

@tanjaostman Insanity is a rebellion against the sane of the world. Unfortunately for us, the sane, it has also become Politically Correct. Therefore, the world leaders do their believable best to prove themselves insane in order to gain more political power. That is how Satan laughs in the faces of Christ's disciples. You are correct in saying it is a clown's world! But we are not of this world, by the grace of God.

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