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‘For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,

But the way of the wicked will perish’

Psalm 1:6


Awe is the condition of a man’s spirit realizing Who God is and what He has done for him personally.
Our Lord emphasizes the attitude of a child; no attitude can express such solemn awe and familiarity as that of a child.

from Not Knowing Whither, 882 L

I have heard no apologies, from anybody (social media friends, relatives, authorities, companies, politicians etc) in Finland yet. Are they too proud, or do they still believe the official narrative? 🤔

The election in the US is in the process of being stolen

Who is "Babylon the great" in Rev. 18?

Ministry, Priorities and God’s best, by @Olamide Dawson

Meet my very good friend Olamide Dawson, or Olli D to his friends. Ok, I call him that - I don't think anybody else does...

Anyway, Olli is a Missionary Pastor working in Nigeria, and my good friend. He loves Jesus and has much wisdom on how we should prioritise ministry life.

This short video is especially good fro anybody who is in full-time ministry. But, if you're not, it's just as appropriate for you too, because it will help you better support those who are.

Enjoy the delightful, and ever effervescent, and dulcet tones, of Olli D.

Andy B

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"He who has Christ and everything else has no more than he who has Jesus only."

From The Weight of Glory
Compiled in Words to Live By The Holistic Treatment of Cancer is a safe and effective alternative medicine treatment that uses non-toxic items instead of Chemotherapy, Radiation or Surgery. It can even help you prevent jab related cancers (aggressive melanomas) and recover from the side effects of medical cancer treatments like chemo and radiation sickness, nausea, hair loss, immuno- suppression. Get better without getting sicker. Works with your body instead of against it. Best natural remedies and therapies for cancer relief.

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