@sinbach fake bacon tastes like fake bacon 😂
WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Join us for 21 Days Of PRAYER, Beginning January 1-21, 2024 ChristianbodyNet Christianbody.net 6:30pm MT, 5:30pm PT & 8:30pm ET WORLDWIDE WATCH ‘Ask The Pastor INTERNATIONAL’ Wednesdays 9:30am MT & 7:30pm LIVE from Nairobi, Kenya, Africa + the ‘Voice Of ONE’ program Mondays 6-6:30pm MT, Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD GLOBALLY - Streaming 24/7/365 https://youtu.be/ew6IpyhPxZI?si=9x_3-Ele5dH2OHyZ
Thank you #BTJ for the special financial gift for the season 🙏
The following picture is from open source.
Weekly open market in a tribal region.
Wild mushrooms and other forest produces.
Fast Monday! 🔥 🙏
Every Monday until Christmas, we are fasting and praying for revival, salvation, deliverance and healing. Will you join us?
Who are you praying for today? Leave a name or names in the comments and let's agree together.
Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19
@bethany I was wondering why we never argue 😂
Brother Farzad is a true hero of the faith.
He and his teams feed 35,000 to 40,000 refugees twice daily for the last few years in a war-torn nation in the Mid-East. Farzad goes into closed nations with the Truth of Jesus' love, demonstrating our Father's heart and winning many of Arab backgrounds to Jesus as Savior. When the world abandoned Afghanistan,,Farzad went in joyfully with the Good News. He goes into other nations where westerners can not go. Here he shares first-hand, amazing testimonies of many coming to Jesus. Contact the CMM.world office for more information. You can donate and help today by going to http://cmm.world/product/persecuted-church/ Call 704-225-3927 or email officecmm@gmail.com
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter. So very sad,that community centre of human trafficking and misery. No where to escape to .🙏
The Untold Story of China's First Missionaries
Robert Morrison was the first Protestant missionary ever sent to China, and the first to complete a full translation of The Bible in Chinese. It cost him everything. He lost friends and loved ones, buried two children, a wife, and eventually died on the mission field, thousands of miles away from the land of his birth.
Robert Morrison: Bury Me in China out TODAY! 🔥
10 yrs Royal Navy 31 yrs married 31 yrs servant of Jesus until my service is ended on earth