
I find myself in the strange position of recommending yet another Christian movie which is SO not something I often do.

A couple years ago, they turned The Case for Christ into a movie. I watched it last night, expecting little, but was totally proved wrong. They did a great job with it. Recommend the watch!

@bethany yes, that is a very useful film for defending the faith and the historical resurrection of Jesus.

@bethany I watched this years ago, I should watch it again but I do remember thinking it was very good.

@bethany we actually own that one, bought it right after it came out, good recommendation!

@Will wow I did not see you enjoying that kind of movie. You ALWAYS surprise me with your movie taste

@Will @bethany I bought it too, in fact I bought three so I could give a couple away.

@bethany oooh I’ve not heard of this?? Where’d you watch it?

@Lindseyay it's possible I watched it illegally.... BUT I just found out the whole movie is actually on YT, so here it is. It was such a great watch.

@bethany @Lindseyay Thanks for suggesting to watch this movie. We just finished watching it and it was very uplifting. A few years ago I had read his book in Italian. Really uplifting. Thanks again. God bless you.

@bethany Ooh, I’ve had this on my ‘watchlist’ for so long, but I’ve procrastinated putting it on because I couldn’t tell if I’d be any good. This may have just tipped me over the edge to actually go and watch it now

@emmaharris you SHOULD. You'd like it - your kind of thing

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