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Bethany boosted

Mudrunner is FREE until July 5!! You can download the kindle version on Amazon now. Will you help me out by downloading it? Amazon is running a deal and downloads actually help Mudrunner gain recognition and spread the word through amazon!!

Bethany boosted

A day in which you decide to spend time with Jesus, is a day well spent. To live a life well lived, you have to decide it every day.

Bethany boosted

The BTJ Vision and the Chinese Communist Party celebrate 100 years this year.
After 100 years, which has brought more good to China?

Bethany boosted

My name is Rodney Hine. In 2004 I started using crystal meth to cope with life. In 2006 I was arrested and released on promise to appear. In 2008 I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. Shortly after I got arrested. This woman fought for me and helped get me out of jail and into treatment. At the end of 2008 our baby was born. Early 2009 we got married. Fall of 2009 I finished treatment and started using again. 2012 I left my wife and son to run the streets and do drugs. 2015 I'm on the brink of suicide when I call out to God to move in my life. Shortly after I entered Adult and Teen Challenge and gave my heart to Jesus. 2016 I graduated the program, my marriage is restored and my family moves 8 hours from home to start a new live with me. 2021 I'm now the Program Manager of the men's center I graduated from.

All glory to the one who saved me and gave me a new heart. Never lose hope, God can do anything.

Bethany boosted

By putting our faith in Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on our behalf, by letting Him bear the guilt of our sin, and by receiving, by faith, His righteousness, which is imputed to us, we are justified. In that righteousness, I can face God, death, and eternity without a tremor, without fear.

Bethany boosted

“Whatever may be the explanation it is a mere matter of history that Churches rise or fall by their attitude toward Jesus Christ.” -J.C. Carlile (biographer Of Spurgeon)

It may seem like a no-brainer, but this statement is very profound. The “attitude” toward Jesus is the seriousness with which we take His words and the reverence we show for His demands. The Church will not be preserved by a trendy Jesus but by the Jesus who is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He is the foundation of the entire structure.

Bethany boosted

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


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Here is a sneakpeek at our next book cover. you are seeing here on DingDash FIRST.

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Bethany boosted

Thought of the day - you cannot preach salvation without sin, because without sin there is no need for a Saviour.

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As we fellowship together on this Sunday morning and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may we also remember in prayer our BTJ missionaries serving the persecuted church in North Korea.

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Burkina Faso: Children Ages 12-14 Responsible for Massacre of over 130 People
#breitbart June 26, 2021

Child soldiers “between the ages of 12 and 14” perpetrated a massacre in Burkina Faso this month that killed over 130 people, Burkina Faso’s government said on Thursday.

“I saw them arrive on their motorcycles... over a hundred – so many I couldn’t count them. They killed a baby who wasn’t even crawling yet and left its mother alive...

Bethany boosted

to be a man after God's own heart means to put God first; to walk with Him
every moment; to do nothing that would displease Him and to allow nothing that
would grieve Him; to live a life of practical righteousness and holiness before Him;
to give Him our undivided attention, and to love Him supremely.


"The Man God Uses"

Bethany boosted

China's new persecution policies leads to old school revival in the house church.

Bethany boosted

A big thanks to Donald Leow for the nominations!!!!!
SUCH A BLAST making this video series while going a 'little old school' with the idea of being sent out 2-by-2 - it was me and my dear brother who doubled as a cameraman (who can't be named for security reasons), ZERO budget, ZERO script, - armed with a handful of plane tix, the Word of God, Wikipedia and dodging arrest on several continents.
It is truly a road-trip Bible Study series and maybe one of the most exciting things I have ever been apart of.

Bethany boosted

Don't let the crowd be your point of reference. Salutations from my morning walk 😉

Bethany boosted

The BTJ missionaries in Egypt have not had an easy road, but they are doing amazing work!
Please continue to pray for them.

Came across this interview with a former North Korean spy - it was super interesting to me that within the first 5 minutes, he mentions the underground churches of NK.

Bethany boosted

Still braething?
It means that you can still fulfill your Divine calling.
No you are not too old, young, unprepared, poor... you are READY right now to step into the Lords invitation for today.
We can make mistakes, God does not - and He created you. Chin Up!

Bethany boosted
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