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I haven't heard this song for so long. I was so struck by the truth of the words again when we sang it at church this morning.

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Just came out of an amazing gathering, surrounded by heroes of faith, touched by encouraging testimonies and inspired by fire-filled passion. Thank you @sinbach @bethany belinda and team!

Bethany boosted

BTJ just finished hosting our annual Hackers Conference.
Just WOW❗
This year we had hackers from all around the world meet up in the Middle East and dream of the newest ways to invade the enemy's territory with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set the captives free.
This is a Great Day to complete the Great Commission.

Bethany boosted

Those joining us in prayer for the nation of Iran need to be aware that Honor Killings are a massive problem.

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Bethany boosted

Everyone has that one person who always gravitates to suuuuper long movies for no reason... I switch off after the two hour mark (@sinbach yes this is aimed at you)

Bethany boosted

Doing our first tour together next month!
The book is coming out on International Women's Day and Mariam Ibraheem's testimony is going to take the church by storm and inspire believers around the world.
Can't wait.

Bethany boosted

Christians' ability to speak biblical truth is at risk in Finland due to an overly broad hate speech provision in Finnish law. In a stunning case, a Christian member of the Finnish parliament, Päivi Räsänen, has been charged by the Finnish prosecutor general with three counts of "ethnic agitation." Each count relates to Räsänen's respectful expression of her widely-held Christian beliefs.

Bethany boosted

It’s amazing to think that Jesus is alive. That even his words are living. That his words are life. They resonate truth and Justice and the way to live forever. I could never find these words and the life they give me if it wasn’t for Jesus being alive. If it wasn’t for Holy Spirit being sent to me from Jesus himself because he lives I would not live.
Because he lives… I can face tomorrow.
Because he lives all fear is gone.
Because I know he holds the future and life is worth living just because he lives.
So, I live in him forever bound in love and unity with Holy Spirit and embraced as a son of the Father for eternity.

Bethany boosted

I LOVE buying used books for this reason. I recently picked up The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel), and found this note inside.

"This is a story of a man critically searching for the truth and interpreting it from a legal standpoint. I thought you may find it interesting and possibly enlightening! Much Love."
The back reads: "I'm not going to check you have read it. It's totally up to you. Comes with a hug though"

I really pray whoever was given this book, found their way to the truth of Christ.

Bethany boosted

The inner voice of the Holy Spirit is one of my greatest assets. From childhood, that voice has kept me away from lots of troubles and pitfalls of the devil. It has also preserved my heart from fear and anxiety. I can't trade that voice for anything.

"Let it be a rule of your life to visit the Bible and the throne of Grace every day."
Happy Monday!

Bethany boosted

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

Bethany boosted

For those asking about episode 2 of the 𝐌𝐀𝐎'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 podcast series - why Mao Zedong was so powerful and influential in his war on Christians:

This was so interesting - how a Muslim became a Christian believer BY reading the Koran.
"At the end of the road to Allah, Jesus is the One who is waiting."

Worth the watch.

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