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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
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Bethany boosted

The Chosen— is an independent series on Jesus (outside of Hollywood). They became the highest crowd funded project of all time. They are began filming season 2 this week. You can watch it free online & with a free app.

Bethany boosted

Every time I hear this story I am completely blown away. Brother Yun, and his testimony are incredible. I pray God bless him extravagantly!

"In response to questions he has been asked about the justification for what he does, Brother Andrew states his case to fellow believers, to invade the enemy-occupied world and to reclaim men and women for Christ, their rightful King."

Finished this in only a couple days. SUCH an awesome book!

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Bethany boosted
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One of our missionary families was just robbed. Their entire annual support was taken. All of their money for the rest of the year is gone. Please keep them in your prayers.

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This is going to be an incredible 2 days!!! If ever the world needs BOLD FAITH, it’s now! Follow the link to register 👇🏻 Don’t miss out!!! 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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Bethany boosted

Re-writing the Bible. According a new Chinese textbook that is being used to teach ethics to law students - Jesus said to the accusers of the adulterous woman "let him who is without sin cast the first stone" and after they all left - Jesus killed the sinful woman by stoning her to death.
China has commissioned a team of translators to translate the Bible into a more socialist friendly version. This is just a glimpse of what is to come.

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Bethany boosted

more than 7 million children in Afghanistan without enough food. JOIN US as we partner with local missionaries to provide food to families in the poorest areas.

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Bethany boosted

The amazing story of a dear friend of mine that was supernaturally healed in prison when a bright light shined on his body. Every prisoner in his cell gave their heart to Christ that day.
This story, as told by the warden of the prison who is now a believer, is available NOW in the BTJ children's book series.

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