Natural Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus can help you prevent and reverse the serious risk factors from type 2 diabetes mellitus like chronic inflammation from insulin resistance serious complications like Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetic Coma, Alzheimer's, Blindness and Diabetic Coma. It is so easy to control and even reverse naturally. Restores Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity from Carbohydrate Absorption while You are Reversing Diabetes Naturally. #diabetes #hyperglycemia #highbloodsugar #hba1c #health
Brother Yun and BTJ are responding to the deadly floods in Pakistan. Aid is being hand delivered by BTJ missionaries on the scene.
More help is needed. Use the link below to learn what you can do. !Life Saving Information for our Vaxxed loved ones and those around them that are shedders and spreaders of this bioweapon. Please share far and wide as we can help save many children's, seniors and people's lives! People getting vaxxed/boosted (not on this site hopefully, but some of our friends and relatives are, so this is to help them) are shedding and spreading this bioweapon (yes, it's patented) not the unvaxxed. You should always have protection against being around those that are actively shedding. The Covid-19 vaccines are manufactured with malaria parasites and spike proteins just to name a few of the reasons people are getting seriously ill with respiratory failure. They are shown to be gene altering (Changes Your DNA!) and also causing HIV and AIDS in many people.#vaccines #vaccine #exemption #covid-19 #monkeypox
Queen Elizabeth II Passes into Glory
#Church: When the teaching is sound but the #fellowship can be better
#Christianity #Gospel Zeolite is a potent antiviral, tumor and heavy metal detox crystal mineral (think Natural Vaccine Detox and Ivermectin Alternative) that is very helpful in foodborne illness (food poisoning from improperly cooked or stored food.) It helps your body detox from harmful pathogens and radiation. If you live near a 5G cellphone tower, then you need to protect yourself from EMF radiation uptake and DNA damage that leads to cancerous tumors, severe hair loss and a compromised immune system. Zeolite does that better than anything else. It even helps from medical radiation treatment (as well as chemotherapy and surgery infection) and sickness. #5G #zeolite #radiation #antiviral #cancer
Retired firefighter- Teach n Outreach to homeless. All teachings free to download from my sites- take no money ever.