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A question to Americans! This childrens choir seems to be Mormon. But it's a well known, Christ centered worship song by Mercy Me. It's beautiful! I have seen other videos by young Mormons - songs written by non Mormon Christians. If it wouldn't have been for their clothings, I hadn't guessed their background. In Finland Mormons have a very bad reputation - it's considered a cult here. That's even my view after all I've heard - that they follow Mormon's book, not the Bible. I have also heard that there are minor shifts going on in theology and practice in Salt Lake City... Is it true? Are there true followers of Christ in LDS or is it impossible to be a member and to only follow Christ, without living under a slave yoke of religious duties and heretical teachings? Is it a cult?

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Looking forward to sharing in Sweden today at a church that has been a HUGE supporter for BTJ and has really helped our family in China!

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Timothy* grew up as an orphan in North Korea at the time of the 1990s famine. As a teenager, he decided to cross the Tumen River into China in a bid for survival. This is how coming across a safe house, run by Open Doors partners in China, set him on the path to finding Jesusโ€ฆ

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Thank all of you for your prayers for our family. losing Debbie left a big hole in our hearts - that only God can fill. praying God brings His comfort to all of us. too many families are losing loved ones due to hospitals denying medicines that could save their lives. our church has lost 5 people to covid in 2
weeks - all were put on ventilators.

these families and our church need prayer

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Christians' ability to speak biblical truth is at risk in Finland due to an overly broad hate speech provision in Finnish law. In a stunning case, a Christian member of the Finnish parliament, Pรคivi Rรคsรคnen, has been charged by the Finnish prosecutor general with three counts of "ethnic agitation." Each count relates to Rรคsรคnen's respectful expression of her widely-held Christian beliefs.

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Itโ€™s amazing to think that Jesus is alive. That even his words are living. That his words are life. They resonate truth and Justice and the way to live forever. I could never find these words and the life they give me if it wasnโ€™t for Jesus being alive. If it wasnโ€™t for Holy Spirit being sent to me from Jesus himself because he lives I would not live.
Because he livesโ€ฆ I can face tomorrow.
Because he lives all fear is gone.
Because I know he holds the future and life is worth living just because he lives.
So, I live in him forever bound in love and unity with Holy Spirit and embraced as a son of the Father for eternity.

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Hope your day's going good.. People of the Ding....๐Ÿ’ž

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