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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

From our kitchen window. Sunset at 4.30 PM, and it's almost -20°C. Still short and cold days.

davereimer boosted

We have A LOT of snow on our patio/terrace (or what do you call it in English??). We start to empty it a little so we can put chairs there in a month or so, as the sun 🌞 gets stronger. In the Nordic countries we are sun worshippers. 😉😁 We love it, because we don't have too much of it.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Fascinating discussion of China's struggle with the effects of corrupt Western culture and wealth inequality in an article almost 4 months old, for me highlighting the need for the Gospel especially among young, educated Chinese.
It's a long article. Wang Huning became disillusioned with America as a visiting scholar at a time when for most Chinese "the moon was more round in America" (meaning everything's great) but he saw the negative effects of individualism, loss of family and tradition, and wealth inequality. Now he's in a high government position as they try to deal with the same rootless individualism, nihilism, and wealth inequality he saw in the west.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

keep forgetting we properly live on the coast now. just been for a cycle with Jo (on lovely, perfectly smooth roads no less!!!).

4 1/2 miles and we're at the coast, with the sound of seagulls overhead

need a shower and some food though now. the electric garage door is definitely a bonus when you're coming up the drive though.

and so nice to be on our road bikes again...we've loved mountain biking, but also really missed our lovely road bikes

Andy B

Been trying to load the gab app to my Apple phone and I just can’t figure it out! I guess I’m just to old!

davereimer boosted

Our hot water making machine is keeping us warm. Night time there was electricity with proper voltage to recharge our phones. Parked our vehicle inside a walled campus and visiting places in Motorcycles. Comparitively good village roads.

Heard encouraging stories, how previous teams blessed these tiny churches through various training they imparted.
One young lady had a dream , in which she saw herself acquiring a new skill through the visiting team. Now she uses that income generation skill to support her family and local house church.

Thanks for praying.

davereimer boosted

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

davereimer boosted

Something I was thinking about o...😊
Love you, too..

davereimer boosted

If you were wanting to hear the podcast I was invited to speak on, you can check it out via this link - with @KarlGessler and his podcast, The Faith of the Father's.

We talk about being a dad, struggles in my childhood and God's goodness through it all.

Andy B

Biden is letting 9000 illegal aliens through our southern border every day! 2 million so far.

davereimer boosted

@Toddkapper Lord, please be with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Prepare their hearts, draw them to yourself so that no matter happens on the surface in their life and nation, that a great peace the comes from the heart of Christ to their surrendered heart will be their stabilizing force that keeps their souls calm in the midst of chaos. Impart much wisdom and give them clear minds to know and discern what You know they should do. Thank you. Amén.

davereimer boosted

“The law is for the self-righteous, to humble their pride: the gospel is for the lost, to remove their despair.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon

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davereimer boosted

Thank you all for your prayers, and some of you have sent private messages asking how we are doing! I appreciate this DD community! ❤️ Even if we tested positive yesterday, I've had symptoms for 8 days. It hasn't gotten worse, so I see it as a good sign it won't get worse later. I've got the same mild symptoms as when I have the common cold. Not even ache in my muscles or throat. Just coughing when I'm laying down.
My son has lower fever now, so it's going in the right direction.
My husband, who lives a very healthy lifestyle with lots of running and skiing, has been more tired than usual and has the same sensations in his throat - but he's been working all the time (he works from home). I tried to encourage him today to work less, and focus on getting rid of this first. We are having vit C, vit D, zink, echinacea, herbal teas, raw honey, lemon water, chaga and maitake mushrooms (in capsules), breathing essential oils from a diffusor. Tomorrow we will get colloidal silver.

davereimer boosted
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