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davereimer boosted

Few even notice, but the negative impact on Christian missionaries from this new proposal is H-U-G-E.

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davereimer boosted

Please pray for Our team members who are visiting few remote locations.
Recent fellowship was with a congregation led by a person, who read 'Heavenly man ' book several times.

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Please pray for strength, comfort and divine healing for an older man from Buddhist background with terminal disease.

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Seriously, this is fire! 🔥 🔥
Ashley joined us on our Iraq trip and sang this annointed song over Iraq in a thousand year old church that was not destroyed by ISIS.

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My wife is in Zurich Switzerland right now and says that she can't eat at McDonald's without showing her papers.

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Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The noise of this world is strong but the signal is firm. Jesus is the answer! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Put your trust in Jesus alone, He is the firm Foundation and Rock of ages!

davereimer boosted

A quote I found on Instagram that is perfect for all radical Dingdashers!

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davereimer boosted

What the....??
These mysterious heavenly signs seem to be happening every week in China.

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Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Behold, Jesus is standing at your heart’s door knocking, will this be the day you invite Him in? There is Peace and Hope for you today regardless of your past circumstances or failures!

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davereimer boosted

Let's just go a couple of months back to take a look at recent headlines to see how many times the 'experts' were wrong.
And these same 'experts' want to critique the Bible? thank you.

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How is this possible? Entire village destroyed by record floods, but no Chinese Christians or their property were harmed.

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Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you troubled and don’t know where to turn? Are you sick of sin? Come unto Jesus Christ today! Jesus is the Way the Truth and Life! Put your trust in Christ and He will lead you and keep you!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

There are so many things I can do in my life that are pleasing to my soul. But when I please the Lord it is my spirit that is satisfied.

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